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Twilight born facts… One of our visitors forwarded a question to our investigating mythology team inquiring about Vampires, and since I personally found this myth fascinating due to the attention it managed to capture across centuries of legends and tales throughout human culture ancient and current in all languages and tongues and last magnified by Hollywood in the manner that revived and perpetuated it while exaggerating its suspense for commercial purposes… Continue reading Vampires

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Human Face Cloude


A mysterious cloud formation resembling a human head

was caught on tape during a storm in Canada this week.

Cameraman Denis Farmer caught the spooky film from his back yard in Grand Falls, New Brunswick as a storm brewed over the east Canadian town. The clouds seem to form a human profile before disappearing into the haze.

It is just luck that causes clouds to look like recognisable shapes – and this is a particularly striking example of a cloud looking like a face,” National Centre for Atmospheric Science spokeswoman Dr Perry told Yahoo! News. “This cloud is a cumulonimbus, a storm cloud” these clouds create intense up and down drafts; that is, up and down movements of the air within the cloud,” she added.

These up and down motions cause the air within the cloud to move rapidly, we see this as the visible edges of the clouds swirling, moving and change shape – causing in this case a cloud that resembles a face.

Since being uploaded to Youtube on Monday the clip has received over 330,000 hits, many debating on whether the form has a deeper meaning or is a complete coincidence.




Source: By Adam Parris-Long, Yahoo!


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Basic Equipments for PI



Video Camera with Night Vision:

Sony would be the affordable top in the field here… of course the more complex, the more expensive the camera will be.

DVR’s will have the advantage of being able to have multiple cameras being used at once, as well as being able to control the settings and speed. IR (infra red) illuminators are especially helpful for recording at night by using LED’s (light emitting diodes) to conduct the light so the images can be easily seen. Flir cameras, although extremely expensive, are ideal for capturing thermal images (the heat produced by energy). However, at nearly $30,000, there aren’t many teams who have these yet.


Digital Camera:

Digital Camera with minimum picture storage of 300: Again, Sony would be the most widely used and recommended. Make sure the speed and the flash are on the correct settings, as the wrong ones will cause anomalies in the photograph. Having the camera set on manual will allow you to prevent camera shutters from being open longer than necessary, and give you more control with the focus. SLR (single lens reflex) cameras allow you to set the aperture to let the maximum amount of light into the camera lens when the lighting in the room is dim. Shutter speeds should start at about 1/60seconds, which are ideal in dim lighting with ISO’s (which measures the sensitivity of the image sensor) set between 400-800.

Digital Recorder for Audio:

(To listen for Electronic Voice Phenomenon “EVP”): Sony wins again with affordability and clarity. You will want the recorder placed in an open area to pick up any voices that could have an unknown source. In listening for EVP’s, make sure that all natural sounds are noted, and that each person hears the recording without knowing what the others heard. The recording should not be altered in any way, however you can slow down for clarity. Class A EVP’s are when it can be distinctly heard with no extra clarification. Class B’s can be heard with some sharpening… and Class C’s are unintelligible sounds.

EMF (Electromagnetic Field) Meter:

Trifield EMF Meter

The Trifield meter is ideal for this. It has the advantage of being able to detect fields from electricity, magnetic, and microwave emissions. It is actually preferable to some of the more expensive ones, as it can be purchased for under $200.00. Another meter, which is only slightly more expensive and has a temperature sensor as well, is the Mel-KII Hybrid meter. Before using it in an investigation, become familiar with how it works. EMF meters were intended for finding man-made sources of electricity, which is what needs to be ruled out first. Readings from natural sources of electricity don’t often rise and fall as man-made ones do.

Data loggers:

Laser Thermometers

This is becoming more popular in the field of paranormal evidence and storing of data. They can store the data collected immediately so it can be downloaded on the computer at a later time. Since they work independently of the computer while collecting the data, they are extremely convenient. Omega is a good brand and works well with most signals such as temperature and sound.

For gauging temperature changes: It is often thought that when a spirit is present, a particular room or area will have “cold spots”. Keeping a thermometer available will measure any temperature changes that in turn, will be compared with any other evidence.

Miscellaneous Items:

Other miscellaneous items that would be needed are flashlights, batteries, (plenty of spares), notepads (for taking notes during the investigation) and a first aid kit for any emergency medical issues.


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Basic Rules for Beginning a PI



1) If you are going to an abandoned location ASK PERMISSION. Find who owns the property and obtain the proper authorization to be on the premises.

Trespassing is a punishable offense, even for a ghost hunter. If the building is dilapidated or condemned… there’s a very good chance you could be seriously hurt from the condition of the floors or stairways. Continue reading Basic Rules for Beginning a PI

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Paranormal Investigation Guide


More and more people are wanting to do their own paranormal investigating. The popularity of shows such as “Ghost Hunters” has everyone wanting to find their own proof of the paranormal.

If one is seriously wanting to investigate a haunting, there are several things that are important to know… and many misconceptions that need to be clarified. Continue reading Paranormal Investigation Guide

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Parallel Worlds

Is parallel universe theory a science fiction? According to a mathematical discovery by Oxford scientists, there is a breakthrough which is described as one of the most important developments in the history of science.

This is very encouraging indeed, since parallel worlds belief is a very rich substance of ancient mythology and literature. And since I am an advocate of searching for the truth within the core of mythology which I believe is one of the major tools containing secret history of humanity and planet earth. Continue reading Parallel Worlds

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Paranormal Experience Consultancy



Paradetect Team has extensive experience in the never-ending quest for paranormal answers. The team provides investigative support services to those wanting answers to paranormal encounters.

We resolve and clear paranormal traumas, hauntings as well as distressed and disturbed lands.

We exist to educate, seek the truth, and explain paranormal phenomena.

Every case will be treated with confidentiality.

For our assistance, contact us

I understand that I am registering for instruction in a consultancy which may involve physical, emotional, spiritual, and/or psychological activity and that in case of such an undertaking there is always a risk involved. I understand that in a group setting “Energy healing courses and sessions) the instructor cannot always monitor my physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological limits, and that I am therefore responsible for assessing the risk any activity poses to me, and choosing a safe course of action for myself. I agree to assume the risk and responsibility for any damages suffered by me arising out of my participation in any sessions, courses and consultancies.

Paradetect Team

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Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)

Extra Sensory Perception, also known as ESP is a gift from God, and it is considered as one of the psychic abilities because human beings normally judge those certain gifts upon our other ‘normal’ five senses which are seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling, and smelling.

People who have this special talent are believed to have the ability to sense certain things before they happen, ESP can also be developed over the years of practicing spirituality, and this often occurs after near death experiences. Lots of people nowadays doubt the possibility of such gifts, but that is mostly because it is very difficult to accept such states without self-experience.

Scientific studies of these paranormal gifts have dated back from the 19th century. They normally use playing cards with five different patterns and run a certain process to test the presence of Extra Sensory Perception for tested subjects. It is said that ESP is how psychics and mediums know secrets about other people’s lives and are able to advise them and help them solve their paranormal problems…

Scientists continue to doubt these certain abilities or gifts but people who behold them sometimes are hired for jobs that involve finding and locating missing people or objects.

At we aim to research this subject further and try to record sessions, we will also try our best to find a scientific explanation for these psychic gifts and abilities.

Marmara El Masri

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Ghost Hunting

Poltergeist… As we were in the mountains of north Lebanon, we heard of a haunted house in a very remote location situated in a valley with only few houses spread with their light beaming through the wild,

quiet , dark and lonely night, like twinkling stars amidst the vast skies scattered around, communicating with ones imagination silently yet marvelously with their reflecting dim rays melting into the eyes mesmerizing ones senses, haunting it, taking over ones unawareness of this vast realm of the unknown.

We immediately contacted our investigating team chief coordinator and asked to prepare a team to investigate the authenticity of this story and to inspect the site physically and professionally taking along with them one of our bright mediums Henri, who can talk and hear and see ghosts and other entities from beyond.

Khalid, as you by now already know him, gathered up a team immediately and went on a hunting trip. Hunting for the truth.

As he searched for the house in these narrow rugged and foggy roads, he and the team felt a very strange thing as they approached the spot.

After over an hour of hustling with the road, he at last got the house at site while our scout was waiting for his arrival with the team.

Our scout navigated the team as he was able to spot them from above where the house was situated at the belly of this ill fated cliff.

At last, the team arrived to the spot, the inhabitants of the house were so anxious, they couldn’t wait the team to get out of the cars, and they immediately sped towards Khalid and started complaining with fear taking over their pupils projecting on their overall pale complexions.

The team, and without wasting any time, scouted the site and informed Khalid of the situation, Khalid, made a charted map for the whole location and its topography while instructing Henri to check the ground and see what’s hidden beneath the audio visuals, least of what one can describe in this situation.

As Henri, approached inside the house, she felt a cold, misty draft coming towards her face. She immediately warned everybody to stay alert and wait for Adam to arrive to the scene.

Khalid, located Adam immediately and updated him with the team’s findings, while at this time the gifted team members made a circle around the house to protect who ever goes in and out of the perimeter.

Adam went in alongside with Henri to check the house from the inside out. Alas, the moment they were in, they started hearing all sorts of noises, from the ceilings and behind the walls.

Henri, started seeing the ghosts and she immediately exchanged greetings with them wishing them peace, they, after couple of minutes replied to her with surprise that she was able to communicate with them, She asked them why they were disturbing the inhabitants of this house, they claimed that they took something dear and sacred to them and they wanted it back or they will not allow any of them to enjoy a peaceful stay in it.

Henri went outside the house and met the house owners and explained to them the situation, they, at first, did not admit what they did, but at the end they did, claiming they had no idea that what they did around the house and the sewerage they dug towards down hills designated spot had anything to do with any sacred site or anything alike.

They promised to do whatever they can to make peace with the ghosts, and Henri concluded the negotiation with the ghosts and promised to follow up to see to the fulfillment of their desires.

What happened between Henri and the ghosts will have to wait for the next chapter of this story where you will be able to read and see a video clip of the house while Henri will be renegotiating a truce with the ghosts. Because, as we have just recently heard from our team leader of north Lebanon Khalid, that the inhabitants ran away from the house because the ghosts threw stones and rocks at them and kicked them out.

To see what happens next, we advise you to keep on visiting our website.

And remember you may always have a chance to participate in any of our future investigations by simply subscribing to our membership scheme.

Contact us for further details.

Adam El Masri

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Abu Bilal

Is a name to remember! He is a very witty character, yet very capable paranormal medium with a specialty to find lost valuables and helps to set ones positive energy into motion.

When Abu Bilal is around, one feels as if he is dealing with a harry potter movie character.

Abu Bilal once made a demonstration infront of the paradetect team to prove his abilities to us before he may be displayed on our website. We took him to visit one client who happened to have lost a small crystal ball several years back, it was approximately 2 inches in diameter, the man claimed he threw it away at first to check if it breaks and he did manage to break of part of it, then after that he threw it away somewhere he could not remember. This was like a challenge to Abu Bilal to find it and prove to everyone that he is a genuine peace of art.It took Abu Bilal less than fifteen minutes communicating with his companions from the world beyond, and to our surprise while we were drinking our tea in the front yard of a mountain country home with several terraces of cultivated land at the back which belonged to the challenger client, Abu Bilal interrupted our chats and said: ok, I found the lost crystal ball, follow me if you may, so we stood up accompanied by the challenger and Abu Bilal and went down the terraces a distance not longer than five hundred meters from where we were having our tea, Abu Bilal bent down and dug a little in the ground and found it, grabbed it and gave it back to the challenger asking him to confirm if it was the lost ball. The challenger immediately peaked thru it searching for the broken part which he caused at the time, and to our amazement, there was the broken part and the challenger confirmed with no doubt that it was his lost ball.

Abu Bilal claims he has good friends from the beyond who help him do things and help others in need…

Watch the video clip of Abu Bilal.

For further information on abu bilal, you may contact us through our website and send us your inquiry and we promise to do our best to quench your thirst for knowledge and the truth that lies beyond!

Note: the purpose of our experiments is research and not promoting individuals.

Adam El Masri

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Face to Face with a Young Medium

Henri is what she prefers to be called… She is one of the associated mediums who volunteered to assist in our research investigating Jinn. 

One might wonder what this has to do with science.

Simple answer: if there is a claim of any paranormal activities paradetect is simply ready, willing and able to investigate and share our findings with the public.

These talented people with self acclaimed paranormal capabilities are kind enough to let us experiment with them, observe and study what they do for one aim. That is search for the truth, and serve science.

When Henri was aura filmed she was able to detect presence of alien beings in her surrounding while the aura camera was detecting strange dark colors around her, without her being aware of what an aura camera can do.

Henri can see what normal eyes cannot see and can hear what others cannot hear. She is humble and helpful in our Jinn investigative research.

For further information about Henri, you may contact us at

All parapsychologists are welcome to experiment with her and share with us their findings.

Watch the video clip of Henri.

Note: the sole purpose of this experiment is research, and not a promotion to any individual involved in this or any other research we conduct on this website.

Adam El Masri