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Deciphering Emerald Tablet X

The Key of Time

Thoth was the first ever recorded in history to speak of space and time which is the main core science of astral travel, Ether universe and multi-dimensional worlds.

Isaac Newton and Einstein studied Thoth work extensively and both became inventors and beacon to human sciences…

Without the knowledge of space and time and cause and effect there is no universe, no creation and no life.

Time plays an essential role of life and existence without it there is no humans or any other to dwell the universe.

God created the universe with a big bang which has a reference in Holy Quran (what we call as void was described in Quran as smoke before the big bang) consequently after the big bang God created Time…

Time stands for numbers and opens the door to the fourth dimension onwards.

Definition of Time:

The Law of Time lies in the primal numbers of time which is 4, 7, 13 and 20.  As of the primal numbers of space which is 4, 5 and 9. The frequency of the Law of Time is 13:20—between the 13 and 20 is the seven. Between 3 and 7 is the four. Herein lies the form constant that establishes the ratio 4:7::7:13. Four is the root, seven is the stem and thirteen is the fruit. This is the primal ratio and cosmology of the Law of Time.

In this construct, there are three units on either side of the seven—this is the underlying law of three. 3 + 3 = 6. Six is the basis of the hexagisimal order.

Note that in Holy Books it says God created the Heavens and Earth in six days and on the seventh he rested…

Let us have a look on what Thoth had to say about Time.


List ye, O Man. Take of my wisdom.
Learn of these deep hidden mysteries of space.
Learn of the THOUGHT that grew in the abyss, bringing Order and Harmony in space.
Know ye, O man, that all exists has being only because of the LAW.
Know ye the LAW and ye shall be free, never be bound by the fetters of night.

In order to learn the deep hidden mysteries of space Thoth directed us to learn of the Thought that grew in the abyss which brought order and harmony in space, this thought would be the thought of creation and the abyss is therefore the abyss of Time which in this case would relate to the six heavenly days of creation mentioned in the Holy Books, by saying heavenly days we would differentiate heavenly time from earthly time for it is also mentioned in Holy Books that  one heavenly day is equal to one thousand earthly years which would explain the process of evolution in the universe and on Earth.

Time allows the thought to manifest and evolve until it reaches its intended destination and fill in its cosmic role in the recycling process of the cosmic energy the substance of the Ether plane and Ether existence.

Far, through strange spaces, have I journeyed into the depth of the abyss of time, until in the end all was revealed.
Know ye that mystery is only mystery when it is knowledge unknown to man.
When ye have plumbed the heart of all mystery, knowledge and wisdom will surely be thine.
Seek ye and learn that TIME is the secret whereby ye may be free of this space.

By astral wondering and exploring Thoth was able to break through different time sequences in different spaces some of which may exist within our Earth parallel to our world yet totally separate by a barrier of Time and Space such worlds would be invisible to our world otherwise it would inevitably collide with it and create a universal havoc merging different world in one space and time causing great conflicts between different living entities similar to what happens when a Jinn, spirit or a demon call it as you wish would invade our physical world by possessing a physical body that belongs to a creature of our world be it a human or an animal…

Long have I, WISDOM, sought wisdom; aye, and shall seek of eternity’s end for now that ever before me receding shall move the goal I seek to attain.
Even the LORDS of the CYCLES know that not yet have THEY reached the goal,
For with all of their wisdom, they know that TRUTH ever grows.

Even the Lords of the Cycles who would be the Archangels evolve and develop in time which as we will find out in the next paragraph means that creatures are not eternal while time is fixed and eternal. All creations travel through time or across and that include past, present and future…

Once, in a past time, I spoke to the Dweller.
Asked of the mystery of time and space.
Asked him the question that surged in my being, saying: O Master, what is time?
Then to me spoke HE, the Master:
Know ye, O Thoth, in the beginning there and VOID and nothingness, a timeless, spaceless, nothingness.

This indicates that only the creator is forever eternal for he existed before Time and he created Time to make creation as it is in the universe. There was a void of nothingness, timeless, space-less nothingness which has a strong reference in the Holy Books as it relates to the story of creation conveyed to us since Adam and Eve.

And into the nothingness came a thought, purposeful, all-prevailing, and It filled the VOID.
There existed no matter, only force, a movement, a vortex, or vibration of the purposeful thought that filled the VOID.

A wonderful definition of Thought is given to us to contemplate upon. A thought when exists it has a form a mass and an existence and it occupies a space generating a motion, a vortex or a vibration which fills in the space it occupies…

And I questioned the Master, saying:
Was this thought eternal?
And answered me the DWELLER, Saying:
In the beginning, there was eternal thought, and for thought to be eternal, time must exist.
So into the all-prevailing thought grew the LAW of TIME.

In the above paragraph lies the great mystery of Time which states that Time is what makes eternity hence time was created to generate eternity.

Aye time which exists through all space, floating in a smooth, rhythmic movement that is eternally in a state of fixation.
Time changes not, but all things change in time.
For time is the force that holds events separate, each in its own proper place.
Time is not in motion, but ye move through time as your consciousness moves from one event to another.
Aye, by time yet exist, all in all, an eternal ONE existence.
Know ye that even though in the time ye are separate, yet still are ONE, in all times existent.

So, there is a movement to time it floats through space in a state of smooth, rhythmic fixation, though it is a movement but it is neither a change nor does it change for time changes not yet all things change in Time, Time is the force that separates events, worlds and space each in its own intended zone.

We are separate in time yet we are all one in times existence is related to the cycling of life energy through the process of evolution of all things created until it reaches a stage at the end where it would reunite with the giver of that life God who would in turn reassign it to a different life of another space time probably another new reality…

Ceased then the voice of the DWELLER, and departed I to ponder on time.
For knew I that in these words lie wisdom and a way to explore the mysteries of time.
Oft did I ponder the words of the DWELLER.
Then sought I to solve the mystery of time.
Found I that time moves through strange angles.
Yet only by curves could I hope to attain the key that would give me access to the time-space.
Found I that only by moving upward and yet again by moving to right-ward could I be free from the time of the.

A clue to astral travel is provided by Thoth to those of us interested to develop it, remember that all humans do astral travel during their dreams whenever we go to sleep or go into a trance. By moving our astral body right and upward in a spiral pattern we would succeed in traveling across time otherwise our astral journey during sleep would be restricted to our own time zone…

Forth I came from out of my body, moved in the movements that changed me in time.
Strange were the sights I saw in my journeys, many the mysteries that opened to view.
Aye, saw I man’s beginning, learned from the past that nothing is new.

Nothing is new in the process of evolution since life is but a cycle and ours is a phase in that cycle of evolution.

Civilizations emerge and vanish species are created and become extinct starts are formed only to explode and form planets and life goes on…

Seek ye, O man, to learn the pathway that leads through the spaces that are formed forth in time.

This explains that when Time moves it actually does not move but causes the a movement that forms spaces in different times for what moves in time is not Time in itself but the effect that Time causes…

Forget not, O man, with all of thy seeking that Light is the goal ye shall seek to attain.
Search ye for the Light on thy pathway and ever for thee the goal shall endure.
Let not thine heart turn ever to darkness. light let shine Soul be, a Sun on the way.
Know ye that eternal brightness, ye shall ever find thy Soul hid in Light, never fettered by bondage or darkness, ever it shines forth a Sun of the Light.
Aye, know, though hidden in darkness, your Soul, a spark of the true flame, exists.
Be ye One with the greatest of all Lights.
Find at the SOURCE, the END of thy goal.
Light is life, for without the great Light nothing can ever exist.
Know ye, that in all formed matter, the heart of Light always exists.
Aye, even though bound in the darkness, inherent Light always exists.

Light is the nature inherent of  all souls of every living thing light is what the Creator embedded in our instinct which is the primary tool of our survival only by misuse and ignorance we falter stray from the path.

Once I stood in the HALLS OF AMENTI and heard the voice of the LORDS of AMENTI, saying in tones that rang through the silence, words of power, mighty and potent.
Chanted they the song of the cycles, the words that open the path to beyond
Aye, I saw the great path opened and looked for the instant into the beyond.
Saw I the movements of the cycles, vast as the thought of the SOURCE could convey.
Knew I then even Infinity is moving on to some unthinkable end.
Saw I that the Cosmos is Order and part of a movement that extends to all space, a party of an Order of Orders, constantly moving in a harmony of space.
Saw I the wheeling of cycles like vast circles across the sky.
Knew I then that all that has being is growing to meet yet another being in a far-off grouping of space and of time.

This is another proof of the authenticity of Thoth astral experience into his Ether journey amongst planets and starts reaching parallel worlds he describes rotations of planets and stars and gravity fields surrounding it…

Knew I then that in Words are power to open the planes that are hidden from man.
Aye, that even in Words lies hidden the key that will open above and below
Hark ye, now man, this word I leave with thee.
Use it and ye shall find power in its sound.
Say ye the word:
“ZIN-URU” and power ye shall find.
Yet must ye understand that man is of Light and Light is of man.

The word of power is Zin-uru which means the possessor of the primary Light, the ultimate Light the source of all lights….

By uttering this word with the right tone creating the right sound one may be able to put his mind into the appropriate trance and summon the servants of Light to assist him, the universe was created using a sound command of creation…

List ye, O man, and hear a mystery stranger than all that lies beneath the Sun.
Know ye, O man, that all space is filled by worlds within worlds; aye, one within the other yet separate by Law.

This is the first ever indication of parallel world existence within our world and other worlds separated by different Space Time barriers all over the Ether world, such worlds of different dimensions surely have other life forms beyond our imagination.

Once in my search for deep buried wisdom,
I opened the door that bars THEM from man.
Called I from the other planes of being, one who was fairer than the daughters of men.
Aye, I called her from out of the spaces, to shine as a Light in the world of men.
Used I the drum of the Serpent.
Wore I the robe of the purple and gold.
Placed on my head, I, the crown of Silver.
Around me the circle of cinnabar shone.

Obviously, Thoth not only able to travel across time but he was also to communicate with other beings of extraterrestrial nature in this case it was a fairy belonging to different specie…

Purple is the color of the imagination and spirituality it helps us get in touch with our deeper thoughts, It contains the energy and strength of red with the spirituality and integrity of blue forming a union of body and soul creating a balance between our physical and our spiritual energies assisting in finding the meaning life and spiritual fulfillment expanding awareness to connect to a higher consciousness this is why it is normally associated with transformation of the Soul.

Purple represent the future, imagination and dreams it is a spiritual sedative which inspires and enhances psychic ability and spiritual enlightenment.

Gold is the color of success, achievement and triumph, a masculine and positive energy related to the power of the Sun.

Gold is associated with higher ideals, wisdom, understanding and enlightenment. It inspires knowledge, spirituality and a deep understanding of the self and the soul.

In the meaning of colors, gold is generous and giving, compassionate and loving, the benefactor or patron, sharing its wisdom, knowledge and wealth with others.

Gold and purple has long been associated with royalty…

Raised I my arms and cried the invocation that opens the path to the planes beyond, cried to the LORDS of the SIGNS in their houses:

Thoth used an invocation to open the path to different spaces by asking a permission or assistance from the Lords of the Signs in their houses, the houses of the Zodiac and constellation of the stars…

Lords of the two horizons, watchers of the treble gates, stand ye One at the right and One at the left as the STAR rises to his throne and rules over his sign.

It is clear that the two horizons belongs to two different worlds our own three dimensional world and a parallel horizon guarded by Watchers and a treble gates standing for three dimensions…

Aye, thou dark prince of ARULU, open the gates of the dim, hidden land and release her whom ye keep imprisoned.
Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye, dark Lords and Shining Ones, and by their secret names, names which I know and can pronounce,
Hear ye and obey my will.
Lit I then with flame my circle and called HER in the space-planes beyond.

Space plane beyond clearly indicates to another space in the vast Ether plane.

Daughter of Light return from ARULU
Seven times and seven times have I passed through the fire.
Food have I not eaten.
Water have I not drunk.
I call thee from ARULU, from the realms of EKERSHEGAL.
I summon thee, lady of Light.
Then before me rose the dark figures; aye, the figures of the Lords of Arulu.
Parted they before me and forth came the Lady of Light.
Free was she now from the LORDS of the night, free to live in the Light of the earth Sun, free to live as a child of the Light.

It seems that this beautiful shining fairy was able to live on our Earth after her release.

Hear ye and listen, O my children.
Magic is knowledge and only is Law.
Be not afraid of the power within thee for it follows Law as the stars in the sky.
Know ye that to be without knowledge, wisdom is magic and not of the Law.
But know ye that ever ye by your knowledge can approach closer to a place in the Sun.
List ye, my children, follow my teaching.
Be ye ever seeker of Light.
Shine in the world of men all around thee, a Light on the path that shall shine among men.
Follow ye and learn of my magic.
Know that all force is thine if thou wilt.
Fear not the path that leads thee to knowledge, but rather shun ye the dark road.
Light is thine, O man, for the taking.

Magic is knowledge of the unknown to the ordinary science, it is an advanced science we are yet to learn how to master…

Cast off the fetters and thou shalt be free.
Know ye that they Soul is living in bondage fettered by fears that hold ye in thrall.
Open thy eyes and see the great SUN-LIGHT.
Be not afraid for all is thine own.
Fear is the LORD of the dark ARULU
to he who never faced the dark fear.
Aye, know that fear has existence created by those who are bound by their fears.
Shake off thy bondage, O children, and walk in the Light of the glorious day.
Never turn their thoughts to the darkness and surely ye shall be One with the Light.
Man is only what he believeth, a brother of darkness or a child of the Light.
Come though into the Light my Children.
Walk in the pathway that leads to the Sun.
Hark ye now, and list to the wisdom.
Use thou the word I have given unto thee.
Use it and surely though shalt find power and wisdom and Light to walk in the way.
Seek thee and find the key I have given and ever shalt thou be a Child of the Light.

The massage is repeated by Thoth to abandon our materialistic methods and return to spirituality if we are to advance in humanity and the word he taught us to invoke power of the positive energies to assist us doing so is Zin-uru the Possessor of Eternal Light.


Adam El Masri

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