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Deciphering TABLET XI – The Key to Above and Below



 Best to start with this article is an accurate definition of its title As Above and Below. Quote: When modern science extended the reach of its observation to the galaxies above and the microbes below, it made a surprising discovery: an atom proved strikingly similar to a solar system. Both were comprised of particles kept in orbit by the gravity of an energetic core. Modern technology had reiterated the wisdom of the ancients, who coined the very same discovery in the adage: As Above so Below.

The significance of this phrase is that it is believed to hold the key to all mysteries. All systems of magic or ancient sciences are claimed to function by this formula. “‘That which is above is the same as that which is below’…

Back to deciphering the article

Hear ye and list ye, O children of Khem,

Khem is one of the three children of Noah (Japheth, Ham and Shem) who after the flood spread all over the continent) Khem or Ham is the father of Canaan who later on colonialized part of the Middle East that includes Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon.

to the words that I give that shall bring ye to the Light.
Ye know, O men, that I knew your fathers,  aye, your fathers in a time long ago.

Thoth also known biblically as Enoch Melchizedek or Idriss was the grandfather of Noah hence he knew his grandchildren and Ham was one of them. Not only some of the children of Adam lived almost a thousand years but Enoch who walked with God was believed to have been granted eternity by God during his ascent (and he walked with God, bible quote).

Deathless have I been through all the ages, living among ye since your knowledge began.

Enoch asked God to make him the teacher to mankind, hence and according to history he taught mankind all types of sciences and arts to help mankind progress and evolve into what we have become at this day and age.

Leading ye upward to the Light of the Great Soul have I ever striven, drawing ye from out of the darkness of night.
Know ye, O people amongst whom I walk, that I, Thoth, have all of the knowledge and all of the wisdom known, to man since the ancient days.
Keeper have I been of the secrets of the great race, holder of the key that leads into life.

Secrets of the great race are the race of the Veils guardians of the universe.

Bringer up have I been to ye, O my children, even from the darkness of the Ancient of Days.
List ye now to the words of my wisdom.
List ye now to the message I bring.
Hear ye now the words I give thee, and ye shall be raised from the darkness to Light.
Far in the past, when first I came to thee, found I thee in caves of rocks.

According to the Emerald Tablets when Atlantis sunk into the ocean Thoth was requested to depart to what is believed to be present Ethiopian plane where he landed his spaceship near a cave and found primitive cave dwellers he later own guided and ushered them into civility…

Lifted I thee by my power and wisdom until thou didst shine as men among men.
Aye, found I thee without any knowing.
Only a little were ye raised beyond beasts.
Fanned I ever the spark of thy consciousness until at last ye flamed as men.
Now shall I speak to thee knowledge ancient beyond the thought of thy race.
Know ye that we of the Great Race had and have knowledge that is more than man’s.
Wisdom we gained from the star-born races, wisdom and knowledge far beyond man.
Down to us had descended the masters of wisdom as far beyond us as I am from thee.
List ye now while I give ye wisdom.
Use it and free thou shalt be.
Know ye that in the pyramid I built are the Keys that shall show ye the Way into life.
Aye, draw ye a line from the great image I built, to the apex of the pyramid, built as a gateway.
Draw ye another opposite in the same angle and direction.
Dig ye and find that which I have hidden.

It is believed that underneath the sphinx pyramid the head of the lion there lies a great hall with marvelous wonders and secrets full of wisdom and knowledge related to advanced sciences which drove ancient observers and archeologist to exhaustingly excavate ancient Egyptian sites and ruins in search of till present day.

There shall ye find the underground entrance to the secrets hidden before ye were men.
Tell ye I know of the mystery of cycles that move in movements that are strange to the finite, for infinite are they beyond knowledge of man.

Here comes the wisdom of as above as below, for the finite is similar to the infinite by continuous similarity and repletion, in short the microcosm is similar to the macrocosm and the soul which is the source of every living thing is energy that derives from one source the Creator and this energy drives every single thing in the universe no matter what size, shape or type it maybe.  Going to the Atom and the sub atom which shapes everything, everything is formed by the same moving atoms and its continuous movement is what generates life wherever life exists.

Know ye that there are nine of the cycles; aye, nine above and fourteen below, moving in harmony to the place of joining that shall exist in the future of time.
Know ye that the Lords of the Cycles are units of consciousness sent from the others to unify This with the All.

The Lords of the Cycles are Veils and they manage and administrate the universe which contains 23 cycles of consciousness. Consciousness is reference to different realities the coexist with our own consciousness and reality in different space time yet characteristically similar to ours…

Highest are They of the consciousness of all the Cycles, working in harmony with the Law.

Law of creation and canons of the multiverse which governs All.

Know They that in time all will be perfected, having none above and none below, but all One in a perfected Infinity, a harmony of all in the Oneness of All.

The whole idea of Life is recycling and purification process of energy dispersed to give life only to return to its source after recycled and purified to be reassigned to other purposes of life in difference space and time till infinity and we are but a tiny part of it.

Deep beneath the Earth surface in the Halls of Amenti sit the Seven, the Lords of the Cycles, aye, and another, the Lord from below.

The seven lords are:



Yet know thee that in Infinity there is neither above nor below.
But ever there is and ever shall be Oneness of All when all is complete.
Oft have I stood before the Lords of the All.
Oft at the fount of their wisdom have drunken and filled both my body and Soul with their Light.
Spake they to me and told me of cycles and the Law that gives them the means to exist.

Their wisdom contains the bending of time which gives them infinite characteristics allowing them to manage and administrate the cosmos and what space and time realities lie within it.

Aye, spake to me the Lord of the Nine saying:
O, Thoth, great are ye among Earth children, but mysteries exist of which ye know not.
Ye know that ye came from a space-time below this and know ye shall travel to a space-time beyond.
But little ye know of the mysteries within them, little ye know of the wisdom beyond. Know ye that ye as a whole in this consciousness are only a cell in the process of growth.
The consciousness below thee is ever-expanding in different ways from those known to thee.
Aye, it, though in space-time below thee, is ever growing in ways that are different from those that were part of the ways of thine own.

That is an indication to the progress of evolution of everything that takes pace during time travel and time bending, I remember a reference mentioned in the Holy Quran and perhaps other ancient books stating that one day to God is equal to a thousand of our earthly years, one can imagine the process of evolution and how life progresses during that cycle and other cycles in comparison to consciousness and its difference realities.

For know that it grows as a result of thy growth but not in the same way that thou didst grow.
The growth that thou had and have in the present have brought into being a cause and effect.
No consciousness follows the path of those before it, else all would be repetition and vain.
Each consciousness in the cycle it exists in follows its own path to the ultimate goal.
Each plays its part in the Plan of the Cosmos.
Each plays its part in the ultimate end.
The farther the cycle, the greater its knowledge and ability to blend the Law of the whole.
Know ye, that ye in the cycles below us are working the minor parts of the Law, while we of the cycle that extends to Infinity take of the striving and build greater Law.
Each has his own part to play in the cycles.
Each has his work to complete in his way.
The cycle below thee is yet not below thee but only formed for a need that exists.
For know ye that the fountain of wisdom that sends forth the cycles is eternally seeking new powers to gain.
Ye know that knowledge is gained only by practice, and wisdom comes forth only from knowledge, and thus are the cycles created by Law.
Means are they for the gaining of knowledge for the Plane of Law that is the Source of the All.

This is a magnificent description of the process of evolution by Cause and its Effects, how we start our journey of life dictates where we end it, if we pursue knowledge on the right track we achieve evolution as intended for us in our journey of recycling the energies of life designated to give our existence but if we choose to follow the darkness of lust and desires consumption and material fetters of our own conscious realities then we end up devolving and wither in decent instead of ascent towards the light…

The cycle below is not truly below but only different in space and in time.
The consciousness there is working and testing lesser things than those ye are.
And know, just as ye are working on greater, so above ye are those who are also working as ye are on yet other laws.
The difference that exists between the cycles is only in ability to work with the Law.
We, who have being in cycles beyond thee, are those who first came forth from the
Source and have in the passage through time-space gained ability to use
Laws of the Greater that are far beyond the conception of man.
Nothing there is that is really below thee but only a different operation of Law.
Look thee above or look thee below, the same shall ye find.
For all is but part of the Oneness that is at the Source of the Law.
The consciousness below thee is part thine own as we are a part of thine.Ye, as a child had not the knowledge that came to ye when ye became a man.
Compare ye the cycles to man in his journey from birth unto death, and see in the cycle below thee the child with the knowledge he has; and see ye yourself as the child grown older, advancing in knowledge as time passes on.
See ye, We, also, the child grown to manhood with the knowledge and wisdom that came with the years.
So also, O Thoth, are the cycles of consciousness, children in different stages of growth, yet all from the one Source, the Wisdom, and all to the Wisdom returning again.
Ceased then He from speaking and sat in the silence that comes to the Lords.
Then again spake He unto me, saying:
O Thoth, long have We sat in Amenti, guarding the flame of life in the Halls.
Yet know, we are still part of our Cycles with our Vision reaching unto them and beyond.
Aye, know we that of all, nothing else matters excepting the growth we can gain with our Soul.
Know we the flesh is fleeting.
The things men count great are nothing to us.
The things we seek are not of the body but are only the perfected state of the Soul.
When ye as men can learn that nothing but progress of Soul can count in the end, then truly ye are free from all bondage, free to work in a harmony of Law.
Know, O man, ye should aim at perfection, for only thus can ye attain to the goal.
Though ye should know that nothing is perfect, yet it should be thy aim and thy goal.

Our evolution is dictated by two factors one is the knowledge embedded within our genes and the other is our actions in pursuit of progress. Our behavior determines the correction of our inherited malfunctions, when wisdom guides our consciousness it allows us to ascend towards a higher and more advanced consciousness and move forward towards the everlasting shining light of the our universe in unity and peace and that is the goal of every existence, the purpose of servitude…

Ceased again the voice of the Nine, and into my consciousness the words had sunk.
Now, seek I ever more wisdom that I may be perfect in Law with the All.
Soon go I down to the Halls of Amenti to live beneath the cold flower of life.
Ye whom I have taught shall nevermore see me.
Yet live I forever in the wisdom I taught.
All that man is, is because of his wisdom.
All that he shall be is the result of his cause.
List ye, now to my voice and become greater than common man.
Lift thine eyes upward, let Light fill thy being, be thou ever Children of Light.
Only by effort shall ye grow upward to the plane where Light is the All of the All.
Be ye the master of all that surrounds thee.
Never be mastered by the effects of thy life.
Create then ever more perfect causes and in time shalt thou be a Sun of the Light
Free, let thine soul soar ever upward, free from the bondage and fetters of night.
Lift thine eyes to the Sun in the sky-space.
For thee, let it be a symbol of life.
Know that thou art the Greater Light, perfect in thine own sphere, when thou art free.
Look not ever into the blackness.
Lift up thine eyes to the space above.
Free let thine Light flame upward and shalt thou be a Child of the Light.

This marvelous ending concludes that our aim should be to cause and not to fall victims for an effect of whatever cause, we need to create a positive effect by molding the right cause for future generations waiting to apply the change that we entice and stimulate towards a positive effect hence spiritual enlightenment.


Adam El Masri

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