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Para Community Encounter – Case 1

Each individual has his own unique reaction of behavior towards what takes place in his surroundings. During my visit to Lebanon in July 2009, I met new seekers who were interested in holistic healing and spirituality while we were all sitting at Adam’s place in Lebanon, and this time it was one amongst the group who suddenly started yawning, it was not like any ordinary yawn. The yawning was nonstop, long, and the lady’s mouth was widely open, her jaws were stretched to the utmost limit in a manner that disrupted her breathing and she was like suffocating.

I felt something strange, a strange presence. I looked at Adam with that questioning look; he looked back at me and confirmed my doubts.

Adam started questioning the lady of how her yawning pattern started and what feeling was associated with it!!!

The lady simply answered by: “it happens to her when she feels of a presence and when that presence attempts to interact with her”. The lady continued by noting that she came to Lebanon to seek answers and to learn more about her case.

The next day, the paranormal investigation chief called Adam and confirmed of a new suspected haunted house in the mountains in north of Lebanon. (Read ghost hunting article to know the details of the journey).

The seeker requested to go with us on our mission for the sake of adventure and for Adam to observe her behavior and her case closely, in case there was any true presence at the location to be investigated.

We all gathered the next day in the morning at our usual meeting spot and drove to the mountains of north Lebanon. The first group of our team knew the area so they navigated us towards the destination.

We drove away from Tripoli city up to the mountains of Akkar region passing by mesmerizing scenes of nature where only the mountain peaks were appearing above the mist that manifested the divinity of the creation as if we were in wonder land.

We called the investigation team who waited our arrival. Then, we started descending into a narrow road leading down through a valley, passing through the mist in a remote area. Silence prevailed and we felt a strange mysterious feeling as we approached our final destination.

Suddenly and out of the mist, a slight clear vision gradually appeared in front of us, where the house popped up in the middle of nowhere. We flashed the car lights twice to signal our arrival. We stopped the car engines, took deep breath, and got our high tech paranormal equipments.

During our investigation, the new seeker started yawning; Adam asked her if she was alright!! And she said “yes I am fine”, then Adam took off to check the surrounding and inspect the parameter.

We started investigating the surroundings of the place and inside the house. I tuned on the infrared camera and started with the living room accompanied by one of our associated mediums “Henri”. She started interacting with the entities and understood the issue of their active presence in that house. I was focusing on the camera screen to see if anything started appearing. A slight magnetic field appeared on the camera and it was moving. I zoomed in and the energy of the entities appeared on the camera. I tried to get a white noise recording to be able to analyze the sounds but the medium claimed that the entities refused and asked us to leave the room. We respected their desire and went out to the front side of the house where the landlord and the rest of our team were sitting. We all gathered to talk to the landlord and get more information related to the case.

Out of a sudden, I felt the goose bumps all over my body, and immediately the seeker started yawning in a scary way with a very weird loud and long scream accompanying her yawns, and she started calling for Adam to help her. Adam hurried down to answer the call and the moment he saw her reactions he feared an intrusion from suspected entities and sped towards the seeker, by now the seeker was fainting and gradually losing consciousness, he held her between his arms, raised his right palm behind her head and started reciting a language I never heard before. The seeker stopped yawning and Adam requested from one of the investigators to bring a chair and a wooden stick and to start reciting specific protection verses while drawing a circle on the ground all around the chair to seal the circle for the seeker to sit inside it.

Adam requested from the medium to ask the intruders politely to not intrude in our earthly sphere in a firm way because we came there to help them or else, he threatened, that things would get ugly.

The seeker stayed inside the circle to be safe from any further intrusion while Adam and the medium were trying to solve the issue that took place between the landlord and the entities.

Time passed by and it was time to leave.

The seeker was fine and nothing further happened that day. We went back to the city and gave specific instructions to the seeker to be able to protect herself from any future interactions with the other side.

For me, it was quiet interesting how people have different indications when a contact with the beyond occurs. All of us have our own unique signs that alert our senses of specific presence from the beyond. The seeker who is now one of our active members had her unique sign for sure.

Dana Arnaout

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