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Bewitched or temporarily possessed!

How would one know when he/she’s been bewitched or being temporarily possessed?

Today in this age, we are living in the era of advanced technology and artificial intelligence, we tend to ignore if not totally forget the ancient and historical teachings of witchcraft and sorcery disregarding any authenticity hidden beyond the tell tale myth and legend that we so much enjoy watching in movies that Marvel Studios entertain us with every often…

But have we ever considered what truth may hide behind such fictional stories and characters displayed in these movies.

Most of the stories in these movies and most of the heroic characters in them though fictional yet, have its origin in ancient mythology of the ancient world.

Listen to the article on our youtube channel



Good and Evil represented by such movies has its origin since the beginning of creation.

Sorcery and witchcraft of the old world are the advanced science and technology of today.

Sorcery is not restricted to human participation and not necessarily solely performed by human against another human.

Spirits possession may take place without the involvement of human invitation or conjuring of an evil spirit, possession is not always permanent, in fact, evil possessions occur on a daily basis and temporarily.

An evil possession by an alien negative entity may last for couple of minutes or even shorter and most of such possessions may last for even less than a minute, just long enough to induce a thought or an idea into one’s mind to influence an action or a reaction affecting our behavior to alter our reality into what suits the purpose and ill intentions of the possessing alien spirit.

None of us is immune, and most of us fall under the spell of the invading spirit however, few of us learn to listen to their inner voice of logic and ignore these innuendos and follow their ethical mind and the value of to do what’s right and not to do what’s wrong.

Temporary possession is one of the trickiest most elusive reality we humans have to live with because it is one of the hardest tricks to identify and deal with.

It happens very swiftly as quick as a thought it is instant and it takes a truly self-aware individual to recognize it and manage to take counter measures against it and against the source of its origin, which is mostly from the invisible realm of the Ether plane, a parallel dimension where such entities exist in their world.

In ancient mythology they were called many names such as gods, fallen angels, or Jinn, in our current mythology they are known as the advanced Aliens who managed to invade youtube and the Internet…

This is not a hocus pocus article and the danger of temporary possession is real and more serious than what most of us would like to admit.

With the advance of artificial intelligence, we are ushering to a new world order introducing virtual reality into our own reality, it is inevitable and none of us can prevent it from happening within the coming two decades…

We truly need to establish a counter measure within our own educational system to defend ourselves from the coming invasion to our world, which will make temporary possession even more elusive.

Witchcraft and sorcery is going to become more real than Hollywood ever dreamed of.

A merging between parallel dimensions have started on small scale and it is going to become much more serious with artificial intelligence positioning itself on world stage.

Sophia and Harmony are going to bewitch many

Dare you heed this warning


Adam Elmasri



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