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The Orbs Phenomena

One of our members sent us this collection of pictures taken outside her house in Quebec – Canada, where orbs are often sited due to the cold weather.

Please help us investigate these orbs by studying the pictures and send us your comments thru our Contact Us. We invite all of you to participate.



It was July 2008 I moved into my newly bought house with little knowledge of its surroundings or its previous tenants. The very first night we moved in, at around 12 midnight, my kids heard suspicious noises on the stairs” wood cracking” as if someone was walking on the hardwood floor, but they were all alone.

Few months later around mid October, I noticed the garage light outside it wasn’t on like usual because it works by sensor… I thought the cause is definitely the dead bulb… My husband bought a new one and replaced the old bulb but it didn’t work… so we disregarded it for the time being because we had many other things to be concerned about at the moment…
One night my husband woke up around dawn time to see clearly a ghost man  that was wearing like a black long dress with a hoody ( priest like ) cloth, the ghost looked at him right in the eye, staring, then went into our closet and disappeared as if it was a door to another dimension.

Many months went by and we didn’t notice any ghostly activities, till 2 months ago when my sleeping husband suddenly woke up finding himself face to face with the same weird creature (the ghost) again, but this time my husband saw his face clearly… the ghost had only one eye in the middle of his face which he used to send illusion to my husband who tried hard to run away from this situation by closing his eyes with no success… the ghost came this time with a mission in mind! My husband became fully paralyzed and the only thing he was hearing is noise like a vacuum machine and he felt like air was pressing and pushing to enter his body. Luckily my husband started calling the name of Allah when everything went back to normal after battling for about 5 minutes with this ghost who by the way disappeared into the closet same as the first time…

Since winter is almost here, my husband decided to fix everything in our house including the garage bulb and 2 little lamps found in each side of the garage. Surprisingly, the technician found nothing wrong with the garage bulb it was only a little loose switch from the main electricity box! He checked all lights and everything was working properly… It was interesting to see all the outdoor lights on for the very first time since we moved in, so I decided to bring my digital camera and take few pictures. I took so many pictures and never crossed my mind anything else than seeing my house shining like a diamond…

Unfortunately that was not the case, after about 3 hours of taking these shots the electricity went off by itself again! we called the electrician who came back on the spot, he changed all wires and connected to a different fuse which can handle more voltage… few hours later around 1 am we were all surprised when the lights went off again… what a mystery, a hidden force doesn’t want them on but why?? The following day while looking at the pictures I took, I found a very interesting orb above my house… then on a second picture the orb moved further to the right side… then 2 different orbs above the garage.

Look at the pictures and be the judge!

Pictures are taken by: Roula Nachabe

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Aura Colors and Its Relation to Human Development

Every color has its unique qualities and purposes. Imagine a rainbow and each of your colors is forming your rainbow in your own sky.

All the colors are interacting and each has its own radiance as a signature of your experiences and walked stages in life.

Ultraviolet: This color may mean one of several things: you may be experiencing a time of stress, or most likely are being inspired by startling and profound visions. You have “genius,” meaning you are able now to think thoughts that have never been thought before. Your psychic abilities are phenomenal. You may shock people with your incredible insights and clairvoyant abilities. You are truly a “child of the new age.” You may wish to channel what you see into a new and unique art form or some amazing new invention, or who knows? Your highest goal is to manifest into the world what you see in your mind’s eye.

Violet: You are the fairy or leprechaun person of the color spec­trum. “Magical” would best describe your life and your way of operating in the world at this point. You would rather talk about miracles, magic, and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow rather than anything ordinary or mundane. You would rather focus on the ethereal and the sublime. The beautiful world of the imagination is where you feel safest and happiest. You create a magical environment to live in. Your psychic abilities are also strong and fine-tuned now.

Light violet: At the present time you may be experiencing a profoundly magical spiritual awakening. White, an actual mix of all the colors of the rainbow spectrum, represents intense spiritual transformation while violet symbolizes vision and clairvoyance. This mix of these two shades indicates that you are going through a supercharged, magically synchronistic growth period. The energy of those around you may be instantaneously raised just by your mere presence.

Lavender: You sparkle and glow with a mysterious inner light. Not only are you a magical, elfin/fairy-like creature, seemingly of another world, you are also a natural, clear conduit for spiritual energy. In your present, balanced state you channel pure, divine, white light and inspire others. You have a need for quiet, harmony, and peace in your life, allowing plenty of time for rest, reflection, and meditation. Your primary focus in life at this point is spiritual. Much of the time, everyday matters hold little importance compared with your spiritual and meditative activities.

White: You are a natural, clear conduit for spiritual, unifying, creative energy. In your present balanced state, you channel pure, divine, white light and uplift others naturally. You may be operating from your crown chakra. You walk the magic path. Profound bliss is yours.

Blue/white: “Peace, love, and transformation” best describe your focus in life now. You are a natural, clear conduit for spiritual energy for others as well as yourself. This light-colored blue indicates you are in a regenerative, restful phase. If you do not work in the holistic arts, you may find yourself gently encouraging and nurturing others without thinking about it. Presently, your highest goals are to achieve complete inner peace and to develop your relationship with the Creator.

Light blue: Spiritual, sensitive, peace, and loving best describe your focus in life now. This light-colored blue indicates that you are in a regenerative, restful phase, but, at the same time, you are channeling the divine white light which indicates you are acting as a clear, spiritual conduit for others as well as yourself.

Blue: At this point in time, you are experiencing deep inner peace and tranquility in your life. Above all, you want to create harmony and ease in your environment. You may be on vacation or just experiencing a “time out” to relax and gather your energies. If you meditate, you may be able to easily access blissful states of consciousness. Your spirituality, rest, and peace are your main focus now.

Aquamarine: You have a compassionate, sensitive, and peaceful nature, yet you know how to focus yourself in order to accomplish your goals. You are a natural teacher, counselor, energy worker, and parent. You know how to help, encourage, and nurture others with equal amounts of firmness and affection. People respond to your sensitivity and caring and naturally want to confide in you. You may find yourself presently in a period of transition and change.

Turquoise: You have a compassionate, sensitive yet practical nature. You are a natural teacher, counselor, artist, and parent. Presently, you may find yourself in a “time-out” phase, needing time to be alone, rest, and recuperate. Self-nurturing is essential for people who are constantly giving to others.

Green: “Hard at work” would best describe you now. You have serious goals, and you live your life in an organized, deliberate, and economical fashion. You are ambitious and desire prestige, noto­riety, and power. You are also full of compassion and can be just as generous as you are demanding. You may be an excellent teacher, counselor, social worker, business owner, or cause fighter. You are full of gentle strength and altruistic ideals.

Yellow/green: Compassion and idealism mixed with a sense of joy would best describe your present focus in life. You have serious goals and ideals and have natural compassion towards all of humanity, yet you wish to enjoy yourself while you work. You have a bright and quick intellect always curious for new ideas. You may be a voracious reader, gobbling up every book you can get your hands on when you encounter a new subject interesting to you.

Green/yellow: Compassion and idealism mixed with a sense of fun would best describe your present attitude toward life. You have serious goals and ideals and have natural compassion towards all of humanity, yet you wish to enjoy yourself while you work. Just because you’re serious about accomplishing something doesn’t mean you live your life seriously. You’re fun to be around, and you inspire others with your happy, hopeful attitude.

Yellow: Joy and happiness surround you now. Your excitement is contagious, life is your playground, and you make everything fun. Even the most tedious of household tasks become a game when you do them because you infuse everything with a sense of playfulness. At heart you are happy, laughing child. You also have a bright and curious intellect hungry for new and exciting ideas.

Gold: Prosperity is yours now just for the asking. Luck, abundance, and joy surround you. You inspire others with your warm, optimis­tic, and happy attitude. Your goodwill toward everyone you encounter triggers a chain reaction of love, acceptance, and friendship. Your whole being radiates like sunshine, and others look to you to lift their spirits.

Golden orange: Joy and creativity are what you wish to focus on at this point in time. Friendship, socializing, having fun, and being yourself are present goals most important to you now. You make your work and chores a pleasure and strive to enjoy every moment. You have a great sense of humor and laugh easily. Your life is a fun, creative project.

Orange: You can’t help expressing yourself creatively! You are an artist at heart and march to the beat of a different drummer. Right now, you are feeling powerful. You have the energy, enthusiasm, confidence, and will to accomplish anything you desire. This is a time to “go for it.” If you have any original ideas or creative projects in mind, you need to begin them now! Orange is also the color of originality and independence.

Red/orange: Right now you are driven to express yourself! You want to bring out and promote your creative ideas and inspiration. You now have the confidence and certainty to stand on your own and show the world who you are. “Creative” and “dynamic” would best describe you. You are a lively and entertaining companion and usually find yourself the center of attention in most social situations. You may be an inspired entertainer or artist or perhaps an entrepreneur with an original product. Whatever you do, people are entranced by your charisma and originality.

Orange/red: at this point in time, you are driven to bring out and promote your creative ideas and inspiration. You have the confidence and certainty to stand on your own and show the world who you are. “Charismatic” and “inspired” would best describe you now. You may be a popular entertainer or artist or perhaps an entrepreneur with a unique vision. Whatever you do, people are entranced by your charm and originality.

Red: At this time, you are experiencing a time of challenge with an action-packed schedule, barely leaving you time to breathe, let alone sleep. You have a lot to do, and you have the energy and power to move mountains at this point in your life. You may find yourself acting as a dynamic leader or find yourself in the limelight or the center of attention. You are definitely being noticed. You have so much energy you sometimes don’t know what to do with it. You may exhaust the people around you with your incredible enthusiasm.

Infrared: You may be experiencing one of several things: you may be feeling stressed, or most likely you are experiencing a time of intense activity, feeling powerful emotions to the extreme. You may be feeling so ambitious and full of energy that you may even forget to sleep. Your entire being is a volcano of passionate life force energy exploding in many directions. Your social life and career thrill and inspire you at the present time. Your dreams are coming true. With a band of this color arching above your head near the top of the photo, you aspire to have many exciting, adventurous, and passionate experiences.

Our extensive color section regarding the different auric configurations, allows the subject and psychic practitioner to analyze the different moods and developments taken each time.

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Our method introduces meditation as, a reconciliation method to modern way living. It focuses on what is priority consumption and what is secondary.

We need to start learning about our true needs. Needs that enhances our perceptions of ideals and morals, and improves our temporary role on this planet.

Let us start with the tools we use which encourages and increases our consumption:

Fridges and freezers; we go almost daily to hyper­-marts and carry on shopping till our credit card limits sounds the alarm. We often buy things we need and things we might need and on occasions we may buy things we do not need. We store most of it in the fridge, by the end of the week we throw many of the products we stored right into the rubbish bin. We eat more because of the availability of food right beside us, in our own homes. If we consider looking at this behavior in the cycle of life principal, we will find out that this behavior affects everything starting from the seeds, the soil, the farmers, the use of insecticides, the fuel used to transport products, the increased use of electricity, the consumption of none fresh products, its effect on our health standard, and I am sure that the reader may think of many other to add to this long list. What does that tell us! Well, it should tell us that this behavior is not balanced and it should be controlled. That such behavior needs to be adjusted for the sake of our health and the overall health of our planet. And that this extreme behavior will no doubt lead to over consumption and exhaustion of resources and pollution to our environment, pollution to our minds which lead to burden of health systems, hospitals, over production of pharmaceuticals along with several other things which will only spell as more troubles.

I would like our readers to join in writing similar articles about the use of air conditions, airplanes, cars that run on fuel, and whatever they may come up with, so that we may publish it for them on our website. Soon we will have our E-journal; it is called “Ascent” in which we will locate all related articles.

Adam El Masri

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Lord Of The Rings

This movie is so intriguing, one can watch it over and over, and yet, still manages to enjoy every single event that takes place in it,

or even the music and the theme, or the actors and players of every role. It’s truly a piece of art.

I felt I had to say something about it, because of the fact that most of the events and designs of costumes must have been based upon a lot of research, Historical and Biblical references.

One would say what have we to do with THE LORD OF THE RINGS. We have lots to do with any movie such as LORD OF THE RINGS, or any similar ones and would like to invite all of our visitors to send us news of any such movies that they may know of.

LORD OF THE RINGS is about Good versus Evil, light and the darkness. A never ending earthly battle between mankind and all sorts of monsters from beneath and beyond and who knows where…

I hope that next time you watch it, to do so knowing that there is a lot of biblical, historical and theological research that was involved in its making.

Feel free to send us news and updates related to any subject that we display on our website or related to any of our services.

And remember, we are currently preparing to have a voluntary team of paranormal investigators all over the globe. Our first team was established in Lebanon early this year. Next we are working on Indonesia, which is a huge country with so many mystical, mysterious events taking place every hour of the day.

We welcome any group of amateurs or scientists to join in our effort in searching for the truth and sharing it with the world, if the world only learns to listen of the fact that there is other truth than the truth one sees, and there are worlds out there that needs to be researched and discovered.

Adam El Masri

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Our Personal Universe

Imagine a space filled with radiant light. Energy flows and swirls through it in bright colors. This life energy moves around you as you sit nestled safely in the center.

This place is your aura: your own personal universe. It is your protection and your playground. It constantly moves and changes as you move and change.

Auras come in every color of the rainbow and the human aura consists of seven layers, or levels. The colors and energies in your aura can change in a short period of time, although you may have a basic color, or combination of colors, that stays constant. These colors are your signature. Think of them as your “favorite colors.” These colors are part of your personality-they make you an individual because they reflect your life experience.

The basic colors in your aura can evolve over time, just as you do. Auras are flexible in other words, they change all of the time. Size, colors, texture, and density can all change depending on your state of mind and what you are experiencing in life.

The size and shape of your aura is unique to you. Your aura could be bigger in front of you than it is behind. Some auras come to a “point” at the top, while others are more egg-shaped. There are really no “typical” auras, because we are all different. Your aura can extend out a few inches from your skin, or many feet. Some people have auras that are as big as a house!

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Aura Colors and Their Meaning

Because we humans are highly visual, the colors we see can have a profound impact on our moods.

Observed colors can stimulate our energy, make us wildly happy or just plain content.

Keep in mind that the interpretations listed here are for general reference. Each individual has unique blendings and vibrations of color. And, you will find that your aura can change colors. Often, there is a baseline set of colors that you have most of the time. You can change that temporarily or even permanently if you experi­ence a major shift in your life. You can learn how to change the energy in your aura through meditation and other spiritual practices.

Red: Force of will; passion; vitality; desire; excitability; intensity of experience; physical activity; stress; sometimes anger.

Red is an active, fiery, physical energetic color. People with red in their auras are ready to take on the world. They will not hesitate to fight for their beliefs and their freedom. Force of will and passion are key here. A lot of red in the aura indicates a person who loves to push the limits and live life in the fast lane. Dark or muddy red may also indicate unresolved anger or stress. If a lot of deep or bright red is seen in the aura over time, it could mean that the person is probably on overdrive and may be out-of-balance. This person might need to slow down a little, or his body may do it for him through setbacks in life.

Orange: Creative; artistic; fullness of experience; urge to achieve and succeed; expressive; playful; sensual.

Orange is a creative and artistic color. It represents creative energy with some mental direction and focus. Orange is stimulating, vital, fun, and playful. People with a lot of orange will be creative communicators-you might find them as artists, writers. or sales people! Orange shows an ability to communicate with feeling and a sense of fun. Orange can indicate a great sense of humor as well!

Yellow: Sunny; exhilarating; flexible; expectant; original: intelligent with mental clarity; competitiveness.

Yellow is active and spontaneous. It is the color of mental activity and intelligence at work. Yellow is the color of joy and enthusiasm as well. A good deal of yellow in the aura can indicate a mental profession-a businessperson, lawyer or accountant, for example. Students often show a lot of yellow in their aura when they are studying for final exams! Yellow can also mean looking forward to the future with excitement and joy.

Green: Growth; teaching; endurance; balance; perseverance; self esteem; self love; empathy.

Green has been called a color of growth and rebirth. Since growth is often a matter of bringing energy into balance, green is often seen in an energy worker’s aura. Green can also indicate a natural born teacher. A lot of green in the aura often indicates that a person is processing a big change in his or her life. Many psychics call it a “growth period,” or a time when things change and settle out. In a growth period, you take a step in personal evolution. The balance that green brings helps to ease such times of personal turmoil: it means that you may be on the road to something wonderful!

Blue: Communication, unity, depth of feeling; peace; spiritual love; grace.

The cooling, clearing effects of blue are quite soothing to body, mind, and soul. It is an excellent color for meditation and intuitive activities. Blue can help you see things from a more neutral perspective. A predominance of blue in the aura indicates intuition, deep reflection, and spiritual growth. It also shows a person who is looking for the truth and his or her own inner centeredness and/or spiritual path.

Indigo: Universal nature; awareness of the truth; clairvoyance; unlimited knowledge; deeply intellectual or spiritual.

Indigo is a deep blue, almost in the purple range. It is the color of inner vision, of clairvoyance, and spiritual work. Indigo stimulates awareness on many levels, from the physical senses to intuition and psychic abilities. Indigo blue can help stimulate a conscious connection with universal consciousness and the Akashic Records (a cosmic library).

Violet: Mystical; enchantment; charm; deep spiritual understanding; magic.

Violet is a mixture of blue, a color which symbolizes unlimited knowledge, and red, which represents activity and power. People with an abundance of violet in their auras are magical, sometimes mystical, and have a deep capacity to turn inward. Violet in the aura means a person who can create entire worlds in his or her imagination. A writer of fantasy novels might have violet energy in his/her aura. Violet also indicates the ability to create a magical, beautiful home. It suggests strong insight and psychic ability, and the ability to become a charismatic spiritual leader.

White: Spiritually motivated; spiritual channel; expansive; prayer; out-of-body travel; unity.

White has long been considered a color of deep spirituality and enlightenment. It represents all of the colors. People with a great deal of white in their auras are often bored by the mundane details of life and may seem eccentric or whimsi­cal to those with more physical colors. White can show a strong spiritual ability, particularly as a channel for spirit guides, and as a spiritual leader. It can also indicate a chameleon like personality. Actors often have this color in their auras, and it shows their ability to “channel” a different character for every role they play.

Gold: Forgiveness; joy; abundance; freedom; goodwill.

Gold is the color of forgiveness. It contains much joy and abundance, because in forgiveness there is no scarcity. People with gold in their auras inspire others with their optimism, goodwill, and generous nature. Gold is not a color for holding grudges: it is rather for moving on through life freely and enjoying what is given. Gold indicates a spontaneous, childlike innocence and a desire to share with others. Its creative and fun-loving nature opens up many possibilities. Gold is also an excellent color for protection and self-protection.

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The Energy Centers of the Aura

The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit Cakram, which means ‘wheel’. Chakras are the anchors of our spirit, kind of like the ancient idea of ‘houses of the soul’.

There are seven major centers of energy and several minor ones in the hands and feet. They are said to spin like vortexes and emanate color. Some systems of belief say you are aligned when all of your Chakras all spin clockwise, and some say they should . all spin like wheels of a gear system, in alternating directions.

We cannot ‘prove” that chakras exist, and in general, the Western world is not very accepting to them. They are intuitive, like color meaning, and reside in the plane of the spiritual as well as the physical. It should not surprise you that something so intuitive to the psyche and soul can be so elusive to the intellect.

Nonetheless, modern aura imaging tools can detect the presence of these energy vortexes and translate their frequencies into color and direction of spin. In the Polaroid Coggins Camera photograph, only the heart and throat chakras are visible. But, in the new WinAura computer program, it is possible to see all of the chakras along with your overall aura. If you believe strongly in the importance of chakras, you should seek this technology out.

Traditionally, chakras have certain colors associated with them. However, in the real world, these colors vary greatly from person to person, depending on one’s life path and other personality traits.

Generally, the following are descriptions of all the chokrcs, from the crown chakra to the root chakra. The color of the name of the chakra is the color traditionally associated with it. This does not mean your colors are wrong if they are not your colors, but the colors here lend the best qualities for the roles of each chakra.

 Crown – Experience. The color seen over your head is what you experience for yourself now. It’s the color that would best describe you.

 Third Eye – Celestial. The color of the third eye reflects your spiritual state. Your insights, celestial dreams and spirit guides also affect this chakra.

 Throat – Communication. The color on the throat is traditionally energy actively being expressed or held back. It could be a laugh or a song.

 Heart – Empathy. The color of your heart is usually the force coming into your being.

 Solar Plexus – Self Esteem. The color of the solar plexus is usually the center vibration of your being. It is most commonly the center for suppressed desires and feelings.

 Sex – Relationship. The energy coming from the sex area is what sparks all creative and social impulses. It emanates sexual desires, but also feelings of love.

 Root – Survival. The color of the root area is generally the energy of the physical plane and the person’s common reality. This is where all impulses for emotions begin.

In the new WinAura computer program, it is possible to see all of the chakras along with your overall aura. If you believe strongly in the importance of chakras, you should seek this technology out and contact us

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Talismanic Birthstones

Ancient talismans were believed to have magical powers to protect the wearer. Talismans are often, but not always engraved on stones corresponding to the signs of the Zodiac.

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) Topaz
Taurus (Apr 21 – May 21) Garnet
Gemini (May 22 – Jun 21) Emerald
Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22) Sapphire
Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23) Diamond
Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22) Zircon
Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22) Agate
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21) Amethyst
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21) Beryl
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20) Onyx
Aquarius (Jan 21 – Feb 19) Jasper
Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20) Ruby

We provide personalized Talismans and charms by request.

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January – Capricorn

Birthstones are: Garnet, Emerald and Jasper.

Traditional Garnet
Mystical Emerald
Arabic Garnet
Hindu Serpent Stone
Zodiac (Aquarius) Garnet

Power Stones: Onyx, Obsidian, Jet, Beryl and Quartz.

February – Aquarius

Birthstones are: Amethyst, Bloodstone and Ruby.

Traditional Amethyst
Mystical Bloodstone
Arabic Amethyst
Hindu Chandrakanta
Zodiac (Pisces) Amethyst

Power Stones: Blue sapphire, Lapis, Aquamarine, Amber, Garnet and Hematite.

March – Pisces

Birthstones are: Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Emerald, Jasper and Topaz.

Traditional Bloodstone
Mystical Emerald
Arabic Bloodstone
Hindu The Gold Siva-linga
Zodiac (Aries) Bloodstone

Power Stones: Diamond, Turquoise, Tourmaline, Blue Lace, Agate, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Opal, Golden Topaz and Turquoise.

April – Aries

Birthstones are: Diamond, Opal, Sapphire and Garnet.

Traditional Diamond
Mystical Opal
Arabic Sapphire
Hindu Diamond
Zodiac (Taurus) Sapphire

Power Stones: Ruby, Red Jasper, Carnelian, Coral Fire, Agate, Aquamarine, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Cat’s Eye, Citrine, Emerald, Hematite and Jade.

May – Taurus

Birthstones are: Emerald, Sapphire, Agate, Carnelian and Chalcedony.

Traditional Emerald
Mystical Sapphire
Arabic Emerald
Hindu Emerald
Zodiac (Gemini) Agate

Power Stones: Moss Agate, Golden Topaz, Lapis Lazuli, Azurite Carnelian, Cat’s Eye, Chrysocolla, Diamond, Emerald, Jade and Rose Quartz.

June – Gemini

Birthstones are: Pearl, Moonstone, Alexandrite, Emerald, Agate, Chalcedony and Sapphire.

Traditional Alexandrite
Mystical Moonstone
Arabic Agate, Chalcedony, Pearl
Hindu Pearl
Zodiac (Cancer) Emerald

Power Stones: Crystal, Aquamarine, Alexandrite, Beryl, Agate, Aquamarine, Chrysocolla, Citrine, Emerald, Jade, Sapphire, Serpentine, Tanzanite and Watermelon Tourmaline.

July – Cancer

Birthstones are: Ruby, Onyx, Carnelian, Sapphire and Diamond.

Traditional Ruby
Mystical Ruby
Arabic Carnelian
Hindu Sapphire
Zodiac (Leo) Onyx

Power Stones: Ruby, Moonstone, Pearl, Green Turquoise, Carnelian, Chalcedony, Moonstone, Opal and Pearl.

August – Leo

Birthstones are: Peridot, Sardonyx, Diamond, Sapphire, Carnelian, Ruby, Alexandrite and Zircon.

Traditional Sardonyx
Mystical Diamond
Arabic Sardonyx
Hindu Ruby
Zodiac (Virgo) Carnelian

Power Stones: Amber, Sardonyx, Ruby, Jacinth, Carnelian, Amber, Chrysoberyl, Citrine, Diamond, Garnet, Jasper, Marcasite, Onyx, Ruby, Sapphire and Golden Topaz.

September – Virgo

Birthstones are: Sapphire, Agate, Moonstone, Chrysolite, Sardonyx, Zircon and Peridot.

Traditional Sapphire
Mystical Agate
Arabic Chrysolite
Hindu Zircon
Zodiac (Libra) Peridot

Power Stones: Pink Jasper, Rhodocrosite, Azurite, Star Sapphire, Moss Agate, Almandine, Amethyst, Amazonite, Chrysocolla, Garnet, Peridot, Sapphire and Watermelon Tourmaline.

October – Libra

Birthstones are: Opal, Tourmaline, Jasper, Aquamarine, Coral, Beryl and Amethyst.

Traditional Tourmaline
Mystical Jasper
Arabic Aquamarine
Hindu Coral
Zodiac (Scorpio) Beryl

Power Stones: Fire Agate, Agate, Moss Agate, Almandine, Amethyst, Amazonite, Chrysocolla, Garnet, Peridot, Sapphire and Watermelon Tourmaline.

November – Scorpio

Birthstones are: Yellow Topaz, Citrine, Pearl, Cat’s Eye and Beryl.

Traditional Citrine
Mystical Pearl
Arabic Topaz
Hindu Cat’s Eye
Zodiac (Sagittarius) Topaz

Power Stones: Topaz, Garnet, Coral, Ruby, Zircon, Almandine, Malachite, Moonstone, Opal, Peridot and Turquoise.

December – Sagittarius

Birthstones are: Turquoise, Topaz, Tanzanite, Zircon, Lapis Lazuli, Onyx, Ruby, and Chrysoprase.

Traditional Zircon, Lapis Lazuli
Mystical Onyx
Arabic Ruby
Hindu Topaz

Power Stones: Amethyst, Malachite, Chalcedony, Lapis Lazuli, Peridot, Ruby, Star Sapphire, Smokey Quartz, Tanzanite, Topaz and Turquoise.

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Gems Info

Alexandrite- The Magic of changing colors

This rare gemstone is named after the Russian tzar Alexander II (1818-1881), the very first crystals having been discovered in April 1834 on the day the future tzar came of age.

The most sensational feature about this stone is its surprising ability to change its color, green or bluish-green in daylight; alexandrite turns a soft shade of red, purplish-red or raspberry red in glowing light.

If you really get involved in alexandrite, you will be utterly fascinated and maybe you will also feel some of the mysterious magic and knowledge ascribed to it. It is considered a stone of very good omen as well reputed to aid creativity and inspire the imagination.

Emerald – The Promise of Good Luck

Emeralds are fascinating gemstones. They have the most beautiful, most intense and most radiant green that can possibly be imagined: Emerald Green.

The name emerald comes from the Greek ‘smaragdos’ via the Old French ‘esmeralde’, and really just means ‘green gemstone’. Innumerable fantastic stories have grown up around this magnificent gem. The Incas and Aztecs of South America, where the best emeralds are still found today, regarded the emerald as a holy gemstone.

Emeralds have been held in high esteem since ancient times. The green of the emerald is the color of life and of the springtime, which comes round again and again. But it has also, for centuries, been the color of beauty and of constant love. In ancient Rome, green was the color of Venus, the goddess of beauty and love. And today, this color still occupies a special position in many cultures and religions.

The magnificent green of the emerald is a color which conveys harmony, love of Nature and elemental joie de vivre.

Ametrine – Spinning purple into gold

Do you love both the purple of amethyst and the sunny gold of citrine? We have the perfect gem for you! Sometimes amethyst and citrine colors are found in the same crystal of quartz. These bicolor yellow and purple quartz gemstones are called Ametrine.

Ametrine is especially inexpensive when you consider that it comes from only one mine in the world, the Anahi Mine in Bolivia. The mine first became famous in the seventeenth century when a Spanish conquistador received it as a dowry on marrying a princess named Anahi.  Ametrine was introduced to Europe through the conquistador’s gifts to the Spanish queen.

Ametrine is most typically faceted in a rectangular shape with a 50/50 pairing of amethyst and citrine and can also be cut to blend colours resulting in a mixture of yellow, purple, and peach tones throughout the stone.

Turquoise – A Piece of Heaven on Earth

In many cultures of the Old and New Worlds, this gemstone has been esteemed for thousands of years as a holy stone, a bringer of good fortune or a talisman.In Egypt, grave furnishings with turquoise inlay were discovered, dating from approximately 3000 B.C. In the ancient Persian kingdom, the sky-blue gemstones were earlier worn round the neck or wrist as protection against unnatural death.

In earlier times, turquoises were responsible for the material wellbeing of the wearer and they came to Europe at the time of the crusades were the name ‘turquoise’ originates, meaning ‘Turkish’.

This ancient gem has always occupied a very special position among gemstones and it is believed to open up a direct connection between the sky and the sea and the color of the turquoise gives a feeling of happiness and cheerfulness.

Jade – For Precious Health

Jade a gemstone of unique symbolic energy, and unique in the myths that surround it. With its beauty and wide-ranging expressiveness, jade has held a special attraction for mankind for thousands of years.

This gem, with its discreet yet rather greasy luster, which comes in many fine nuances of green, but also in shades of white, grey, black, yellow, and orange and in delicate violet tones, has been known to Man for some 7000 years. This gem is regarded as a symbol of the good, the beautiful and the precious. It embodies the Confucian virtues of wisdom, justice, compassion, modesty and courage.

Symbolic energy and beauty, the traditional and the modern are combined in jade in a particularly harmonious way. And in gemstone therapy it is said that jade ‘stimulates creativity and mental agility on the one hand, while also having a balancing and harmonizing effect.

Sapphire – Velvety Blue Gem of the Sky

This gem comes not in one but in all the blue shades, from the deep blue of the evening sky to the shining mid-blue of a lovely summer’s day which casts its spell over us. However, this magnificent gemstone also comes in many other colors: not only in the transparent greyish-blue of a distant horizon but also in the gloriously colorful play of light in a sunset in yellow, pink, orange and purple. Sapphires really are gems of the sky, although they are found in the hard ground of our ‘blue planet’.

Blue is associated with feelings of sympathy and harmony, friendship and loyalty: feelings of composure, mutual understanding and indestructible trust.

Sapphires enhance mental clarity and heal the mind.

Topaz – Balancing the body energy

Topaz has been an important and precious stone to ancient people of many cultures. It is a stone of individual creativity, instilling confidence and stimulation in its wearer.

In mysticism, the topaz is attributed with a cooling, styptic and appetizing effect. It is said to dispel sadness, anger and nocturnal fears. As well believed to prevent bad dreams, and encourage modest, faithful behavior.

The topaz has been known for at least 2000 years and is one of the gemstones which form the foundations of the twelve gates to the Holy City of the New Jerusalem. These so-called apocalyptic stones are intended to serve in protection against enemies and as a symbol of beauty and splendor. It cannot be proved conclusively whether the name of the topaz comes from the Sanskrit or the Greek, though the Greek name ‘topazos’ means ‘green gemstone’. The Romans dedicated the topaz to Jupiter.

Topaz comes in yellow, yellow-brown, green, blue, light blue, red and pink, with blue being the most widely known…. and sometimes it has no color at all.

Aquamarine – Noble Stone of Courage

From the light blue of the sky to the deep blue of the sea, aquamarines shine over an extraordinarily beautiful range of mainly light blue colors. Some aquamarines have a light, greenish shimmer, which too is a typical feature

Its light blue arouses feelings of sympathy, trust, harmony and friendship. The blue of aquamarine is a divine, eternal color, because it is the color of the sky. However, aquamarine blue is also the color of water with its life-giving force

No wonder, when you consider that according to the saga it originated in the treasure chest of fabulous mermaids, and has, since ancient times, been regarded as the sailors’ lucky stone. Its name is derived from the Latin ‘aqua’ (water) and ‘mare’ (sea).

Aquamarine helps in achieving higher levels of consciousness and in the ability to understand complexities. It brings order, tolerance and moderation.

Citrine – The Golden Shimmers of Sunshine

Citrine is a yellow-to-golden member of the quartz mineral group and has been known to Man for at least 2000 years. A deep golden variety from Madiera Spain can resemble the costly imperial topaz gem stone, which is one reason that citrine is a popular birthstone alternative to those born in November.

Citrine has a very special energetic quality: it does not absorb or transmit negative energy, but dispels it. Improve mental focus and physical endurance. Its warm golden color dispels a feeling of “murkiness” and brings a sense of optimism for new beginnings.

Opal – Fascinating Play of Color

Nature’s entire splendor seems to be reflected in the manifold opulence of fine Opals: fire and lightning, all the colors of the rainbow and the soft shine of far seas.

The name Opal was probably derived from Sanskrit “upala”, meaning “valuable stone”. This was probably the root for the Greek term “opallios”, which translates as “color change”.

For ages people have believed in the healing power of Opal. It is reported to be able to solve depressions and to help its wearer find the true and real love.

It is the perfect gemstone to wear in trying to become your best and to be true to yourself.

Peridot – The Vivid Green with a Hint of Gold

The peridot is a very old gemstone and one of the few which come in one color only and the name is derived from the Greek word ‘peridona’, which means something like ‘to give richness’.

It is so ancient that it can be found in Egyptian jewellery from the early 2nd millennium B.C. The ancient Romans too were fond of this gemstone and esteemed its radiant green shine, and they nicknamed it the ’emerald of the evening’.

It is an excellent stone for protection. Brings wisdom and enlightment and acts as a symbol of pure heart & mind, innocence and faith, friendliness and simplicity.

Amethyst – The Protective Violet Gem

Its extravagance color is as unique as it is seductive, though in fact this gemstone is said to protect its wearer against seduction.

A large number of further miraculous powers are attributed to the amethyst in all sorts of cultures. It was said to protect crops against tempests and locusts, bring good fortune in war and in the hunt, drive out evil spirits and inspire the intellect.

Apart from these powers, gemstone therapists say that the amethyst has a sobering and cleansing effect; It helps to strengthen the connection and communication between the mind, body, spirit and other worlds.

Goldstone – Goldstone is a man made gemstone that has been around since the European Rennaissance.

Early monks working at a glass factory near Venice, Italy were practicing alchemy when molten copper accidentally tipped into a molten glass container.

This crystallized into thousands of tiny crystals and formed a melt with golden light sparkles. This is how the first goldstone came about. Though it is not technically a gemstone, it is often referred to as one.

Goldstone is an energy stone.

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Senses are five, though each of these senses has a parallel extra sense, and beyond them there are higher senses meant to activate with the astro form related to the spiritual substance in us.

And there are the derivative senses which is above the physical senses. The sixth sense is a start. The definition of senses is rather primitive, and lacks a lot in terminology.

I prefer to define it all with the sense of Acquisition and survival.

Senses can become profound tools to elevate us to higher and more advanced beings enabling us to foresee, fore hear, and fore realize, some of these terms are not so oftenly used, and most probably there is an unawareness of its existence.

Senses can be trained so that they become sharper and more adequate to serve the purpose of our existence. We oftenly use our fore senses or the parallel senses in our sleeping state, while dreaming, and it usually is much sharper when we are day dreaming or stargazing. When our minds stand still momentarily, when we transcend, and move from our Alpha to Beta brain wave and so on and so forth…

It is a daily practice that needs a lot of attention in order to improve and advance and reshape into a higher level of sense of acquisition.

Train your senses to serve its higher purpose, the purpose of living and letting others live, of sharing your privileges with the unprivileged so that to preserve the balance in nature and perpetuate your role in participating in the construction of your own cosmos.

Adam El Masri

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Spirituality Concept Adoption

An adoption of spirituality as a concept is not a way to run away. It is rather a way to manage what may drive us to run away one day.

We need to search within us for the managing tools to adopt in our daily living. This can only be achieved by living by the balance of the three afore mentioned substances, the spiritual, mental and physical nature.

To become a spiritualist is not in my opinion a philosophical drive to attain wisdom. It is more like a scholarly method in merging all sides of life for the achievement of purity.

Purity, supposed to be the only logical explanation of our cycle of life on this earth.

We are a form of energy, yet everything else is!

And, are subjected to all methods of recycling to achieve purity, hence an attainment of a higher level of consciousness expanding to a higher sphere of coexistence, inducing a perpetual source of an endless stream of energy progressing forward towards the One source of life, the Light above lights, the Light of lights. Thus, we may reunite with what our energy of life originated from, to serve a higher cause within this universe.

Could it be that Amanti exists within our deep inner self!

Salutes to those who do not ponder, peace to those who do not wonder, and may we find within us what binds us with what is above and what is beneath so that we free ourselves from all bondages of all fetters of our temporary journey in this cycle of life.

Adam El Masri