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Consumption Issues

Consumption issues are directly related to our pattern of behavior. Do we eat, wear, use and utilize what we really need.

Do we compensate, give back to nature what we take from it, do we give to community what we utilize from what services and facilities it offers us, Do we raise up our children to set up their priorities to the essentials of life, Do we teach them the art of living and the techniques of preserving living organisms, And, Do we focus on the Laws of nature, Cycles of life, the Balance in how we live so that we may levitate to a higher level of mutual cohesiveness with nature.

To do that, we need to build up our awareness of what surrounds us and learn to adapt with nature instead of attempting to adapt what is in nature to serve our complimentary needs, wants and desires.

We need to learn how to take the first appropriate pace towards all sorts of walks of life, yes walks of life, and not walks of man.

One needs to replace what one needs to consume to preserve our survival.

Adam El Masri

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Pattern of Behavior

It is the knowledge of the principal of cause and effect that dictates the patterns of behavior amongst us.

Few of us are actually aware of this fact. While most of us are not so much concerned about principals, ruling out all causes and most effects, delving and indulging in daily activities of life without giving it any thought. Relentless in their pursuit of materialistic dreams.

Such pursuit may only lead to materialistic achievements.

Mankind is formed of three substances: Mind, soul and the physical self.

A balance to monitor these substances is essential for the wellbeing of mankind.

We, at PARADETECT, are suggesting a better method of perception for these substances, hoping that it will advance our human understanding towards life as a one entity with all beings and species sharing this planet of ours!

We will attempt to introduce a new you to yourself, A You without the Self. We will also attempt to usher you to a Reunion with the environment that surrounds you.

Still your motion for a moment, and observe and listen to the sound of silence for a change. And know ye that what you may start today is what you may yield tomorrow.

Alter your pattern of behavior, Follow the laws of creation, Give and Take, and Replace what you take, Do good, and consider that you only live once on this planet. Live clean and depart clean. And leave a clean foot print behind, as a good lead for those to follow.

Adam El Masri

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Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)

Extra Sensory Perception, also known as ESP is a gift from God, and it is considered as one of the psychic abilities because human beings normally judge those certain gifts upon our other ‘normal’ five senses which are seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling, and smelling.

People who have this special talent are believed to have the ability to sense certain things before they happen, ESP can also be developed over the years of practicing spirituality, and this often occurs after near death experiences. Lots of people nowadays doubt the possibility of such gifts, but that is mostly because it is very difficult to accept such states without self-experience.

Scientific studies of these paranormal gifts have dated back from the 19th century. They normally use playing cards with five different patterns and run a certain process to test the presence of Extra Sensory Perception for tested subjects. It is said that ESP is how psychics and mediums know secrets about other people’s lives and are able to advise them and help them solve their paranormal problems…

Scientists continue to doubt these certain abilities or gifts but people who behold them sometimes are hired for jobs that involve finding and locating missing people or objects.

At we aim to research this subject further and try to record sessions, we will also try our best to find a scientific explanation for these psychic gifts and abilities.

Marmara El Masri

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Ghost Hunting

Poltergeist… As we were in the mountains of north Lebanon, we heard of a haunted house in a very remote location situated in a valley with only few houses spread with their light beaming through the wild,

quiet , dark and lonely night, like twinkling stars amidst the vast skies scattered around, communicating with ones imagination silently yet marvelously with their reflecting dim rays melting into the eyes mesmerizing ones senses, haunting it, taking over ones unawareness of this vast realm of the unknown.

We immediately contacted our investigating team chief coordinator and asked to prepare a team to investigate the authenticity of this story and to inspect the site physically and professionally taking along with them one of our bright mediums Henri, who can talk and hear and see ghosts and other entities from beyond.

Khalid, as you by now already know him, gathered up a team immediately and went on a hunting trip. Hunting for the truth.

As he searched for the house in these narrow rugged and foggy roads, he and the team felt a very strange thing as they approached the spot.

After over an hour of hustling with the road, he at last got the house at site while our scout was waiting for his arrival with the team.

Our scout navigated the team as he was able to spot them from above where the house was situated at the belly of this ill fated cliff.

At last, the team arrived to the spot, the inhabitants of the house were so anxious, they couldn’t wait the team to get out of the cars, and they immediately sped towards Khalid and started complaining with fear taking over their pupils projecting on their overall pale complexions.

The team, and without wasting any time, scouted the site and informed Khalid of the situation, Khalid, made a charted map for the whole location and its topography while instructing Henri to check the ground and see what’s hidden beneath the audio visuals, least of what one can describe in this situation.

As Henri, approached inside the house, she felt a cold, misty draft coming towards her face. She immediately warned everybody to stay alert and wait for Adam to arrive to the scene.

Khalid, located Adam immediately and updated him with the team’s findings, while at this time the gifted team members made a circle around the house to protect who ever goes in and out of the perimeter.

Adam went in alongside with Henri to check the house from the inside out. Alas, the moment they were in, they started hearing all sorts of noises, from the ceilings and behind the walls.

Henri, started seeing the ghosts and she immediately exchanged greetings with them wishing them peace, they, after couple of minutes replied to her with surprise that she was able to communicate with them, She asked them why they were disturbing the inhabitants of this house, they claimed that they took something dear and sacred to them and they wanted it back or they will not allow any of them to enjoy a peaceful stay in it.

Henri went outside the house and met the house owners and explained to them the situation, they, at first, did not admit what they did, but at the end they did, claiming they had no idea that what they did around the house and the sewerage they dug towards down hills designated spot had anything to do with any sacred site or anything alike.

They promised to do whatever they can to make peace with the ghosts, and Henri concluded the negotiation with the ghosts and promised to follow up to see to the fulfillment of their desires.

What happened between Henri and the ghosts will have to wait for the next chapter of this story where you will be able to read and see a video clip of the house while Henri will be renegotiating a truce with the ghosts. Because, as we have just recently heard from our team leader of north Lebanon Khalid, that the inhabitants ran away from the house because the ghosts threw stones and rocks at them and kicked them out.

To see what happens next, we advise you to keep on visiting our website.

And remember you may always have a chance to participate in any of our future investigations by simply subscribing to our membership scheme.

Contact us for further details.

Adam El Masri

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Investigating Mythology

Myth was the only tool available to the ancient world to preserve their culture, heritage and to transfer their knowledge to forthcoming generations.

In myth, they perpetuated their history and historical figures and heroes.

Myth is like a puzzle that needs to be solved so that we may comprehend our past, our origin, our strength and our fears of what threatens our survival throughout the ages which transports man from the dark ages to the age of science and enlightenment towards the ultimate goal of the ultimate knowledge and wisdom thus to perfection.

Myth hides within its exaggeration a substance of truth. This truth is what needs to be searched for, this truth is what we seek, and to do that, we need to use the process of elimination, deductions and thus conclusions.

We need to trace the origin of the myth, the circumstances in which it originated, the elements of influence, taking into consideration the factor of exaggeration which becomes the core substance of its perpetuation from generation to generation.

Adam El Masri

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Sakatat Babel

This book in its three parts speaks of contemporary facts relating to current political and natural events,

and compares them with the afore mentioned in the prophecies associated with the end of time mentioned in the Old Testament, which has been revealed to The Prophet Daniel (Daniel Prophecy),

The Prophets Ezekiel and Jeremiah and other prophets of the Jews, through the New Testament and what was told on behalf of Jesus Christ in the Olive Prophecy and the Apostle John in the unveiling part, and his letter to the seven churches of the East written after his absence on the island of Patmos, arriving to a number of what so called prophets beginning with Nostradamus , Edgar Casey and M. G. Agee, shedding the light on some of the western extremists and their views, interpretations and comparative analysis of those biblical texts and the belief of some that Prophet Muhammad is the founder of the message of the Antichrist, which is the Koran as claimed by Adam Abrson.

The goal for gathering those articles that have been collected since 1996 from several sources, including Web sites is to introduce the reader to what is going on in the minds of the Western ruling class, and their views of what is happening in the Middle East, which seems to target all the Muslim and Christian sects alike.

Price 10 USD

Payment Methods: western union payment method, bank transfer.

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Abu Bilal

Is a name to remember! He is a very witty character, yet very capable paranormal medium with a specialty to find lost valuables and helps to set ones positive energy into motion.

When Abu Bilal is around, one feels as if he is dealing with a harry potter movie character.

Abu Bilal once made a demonstration infront of the paradetect team to prove his abilities to us before he may be displayed on our website. We took him to visit one client who happened to have lost a small crystal ball several years back, it was approximately 2 inches in diameter, the man claimed he threw it away at first to check if it breaks and he did manage to break of part of it, then after that he threw it away somewhere he could not remember. This was like a challenge to Abu Bilal to find it and prove to everyone that he is a genuine peace of art.It took Abu Bilal less than fifteen minutes communicating with his companions from the world beyond, and to our surprise while we were drinking our tea in the front yard of a mountain country home with several terraces of cultivated land at the back which belonged to the challenger client, Abu Bilal interrupted our chats and said: ok, I found the lost crystal ball, follow me if you may, so we stood up accompanied by the challenger and Abu Bilal and went down the terraces a distance not longer than five hundred meters from where we were having our tea, Abu Bilal bent down and dug a little in the ground and found it, grabbed it and gave it back to the challenger asking him to confirm if it was the lost ball. The challenger immediately peaked thru it searching for the broken part which he caused at the time, and to our amazement, there was the broken part and the challenger confirmed with no doubt that it was his lost ball.

Abu Bilal claims he has good friends from the beyond who help him do things and help others in need…

Watch the video clip of Abu Bilal.

For further information on abu bilal, you may contact us through our website and send us your inquiry and we promise to do our best to quench your thirst for knowledge and the truth that lies beyond!

Note: the purpose of our experiments is research and not promoting individuals.

Adam El Masri

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Face to Face with a Young Medium

Henri is what she prefers to be called… She is one of the associated mediums who volunteered to assist in our research investigating Jinn. 

One might wonder what this has to do with science.

Simple answer: if there is a claim of any paranormal activities paradetect is simply ready, willing and able to investigate and share our findings with the public.

These talented people with self acclaimed paranormal capabilities are kind enough to let us experiment with them, observe and study what they do for one aim. That is search for the truth, and serve science.

When Henri was aura filmed she was able to detect presence of alien beings in her surrounding while the aura camera was detecting strange dark colors around her, without her being aware of what an aura camera can do.

Henri can see what normal eyes cannot see and can hear what others cannot hear. She is humble and helpful in our Jinn investigative research.

For further information about Henri, you may contact us at

All parapsychologists are welcome to experiment with her and share with us their findings.

Watch the video clip of Henri.

Note: the sole purpose of this experiment is research, and not a promotion to any individual involved in this or any other research we conduct on this website.

Adam El Masri