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The Alien Hybrid Theory



They live amongst us

The Deception

Many of us watched on youtube or read somewhere on the web stories and tales from common folks and occasionally scientists claiming all sorts of stories related to alien abduction experience, were aliens experiment on the abductees or implanted alien DNA into female pregnant abductees… Continue reading The Alien Hybrid Theory

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Artificial Intelligence Danger



Watching Sophia and other sexbots advancement on you tube makes me wonder of what may happen next…

Our lack of information and poor knowledge of the unknown alien intelligence existing in parallel dimensions which often intertwine with our own reality by communicating with us through dreams or telepathy and many times by physical form such as demons and aliens and jinn creates a serious concern regarding AI and its rapid progress. Continue reading Artificial Intelligence Danger

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Self Improvement



A divine journey to the inner self that begins with a dream… Are we dreamers, having a dream is the first step in the journey of an aspiration to self improvement…

A dream is what motivates strife to achieve personal goals…

Fear of rejection is our enemy, taking rejection personal is what causes us to fear failure and hesitate, and hesitation is what hinders our achievement… Continue reading Self Improvement

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Reflection – Ramadan Karim


What if! What if myth was ancient history and legends were tales of truth, a truth woven into traditions to protect it from total deletion due to ignorance of man or negligence of evolution.

What if modern science was Alchemy, knowledge was magic and wisdom was faith!

What if religion in general was the tool or the vehicle to transform us and transport us from a transit energy check point to more evolved ether like dimension in a parallel world!

What if we were a form of primitive energy in need of purification in recycling process with an end destination to unite with the prime energy our maker, maker of our universe and on a larger scale the multi verse that contains our universe?  

And prophecies; what about prophecies which may be a definite speed up process of cycling such energy, where would that lead humanity to?

Ramadan is the month of purification to the Muslim world and there is similar fasting period for Jews and Christians too.

Paradetect wishes all of our Muslim members a very happy month of Ramadan and may all of your dreams be fulfilled.


Para Team


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Auraiel Skin Care Brand

Auraiel brand is established in 2012 for the sole purpose of introducing natural, chemical free organic skin care products to the international market.

The ingredients of Auraiel skin care are made from pure therapeutic grade essential oils.

The process of production is cold process to preserve the quality and benefit of essential oils.

Auraiel formula benefits are tested in the market and in healthcare and wellbeing centers affiliated with Auraiel and Paradetect for over four years yielding amazing outcome before its put into production. Continue reading Auraiel Skin Care Brand

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Organic Auraiel

Back to nature is the moto of Auraiel products

At Auraiel we produce only organic and natural skin care products because we know your skin and general health deserve the best.

Our organic soap or we prefer to call it beauty bar is made of the extracts of pure essential oils and it is cold processed hand made to insure maintaining the natural characteristics of the very special essential oil formula mix and its benefits to your Skin and your Hair. Continue reading Organic Auraiel

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Auraiel Hair Therapy



It is the age of organic awareness and Auraiel positioned itself in its core by developing new organic beauty bar concept that cares for your skin relying on pure mix of therapeutic grade essential oils which really works.

We care about what you spread over your skin just as much as you do.

When we introduced our first beauty bar the Auraiel classic bar it worked miracles and the feedback from the consumers was surprising even to our fair expectation. That motivated us to introduce more types of our beauty bars each with unique and different more specialized and more specific characteristics to meet the need of our demanding customers.

Now, we are glad to announce our new Auraiel beauty bar. THE AURAIEL HAIR CARE, this bar has the very best essential oils mixture which is known to address most of major problems related to hair such as:

–    Hair fall    Dandruffs
–    Lack of volume
–    Dray and brittle hair
–    Split ends
–    Flaky scalp
–    Dull hair
–    Frizzy hair
–    Chlorine damage
–    Sun burn

Some of the oils it contains are: Nettle, Horse tail, rosemary and tea tree along with several other oils to make Auraiel hair care beauty bar so unique that we dare to claim it’s the first of its kind in the international market.

We recommend the new Auraiel beauty bar to everyone whether to treat or to prevent hair problems.

Auraiel hair care beauty bar is now available in the market.

You can order it online or place your inquiry and location and we will suggest to you how to obtain it.

Try it now and send us your comments.

The Para Team

Auraiel Really Heals


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Auraiel really Heals



Auraiel Brand was developed by Paradetect for the sole purpose of healing. Auraiel adopts a new concept in cosmetics by emphasizing on healing the organic and natural way reviving the old traditions while applying the Paradetect concept of merging the old with the new…

Auraiel was launched to complement our Ascent Para Technique Energy Healing Method which is proving its effectiveness more than ever. Hundreds of people tried our energy Para-technique healing and tens of individuals taken our Ascent crash course in self-improvement and energy generation, we gladly convey the total satisfaction for all of those who tried us.

Our Auraiel products and our Para Techniques helped in healing tens of ailments from skin care to weight loss to much more serious issues (read Cases Healed) and addressing such challenging ailments has become our target and motto…

Everyone is invited to try our Auraiel Heal and Energy Para Technique concept

Ascent Crash Course
Auraiel Product
Auraiel Soap types and fregrances

Auraiel beauty bar category:
1-    X wrinkle original  (Rosemary, Rose, Jasmine)                                 35$
2-    Herbal fusion       (Lavender, Rose, Jasmine)                                  35$
3-    Herbal magic       (Lavender, Chamomile, Jasmine)                          35$
4-    Aruaiel classic      (Lavender, Chamomile, Jasmine, Musk, Violet)        35$
5-    Auraiel Gold         with Gold Powder                                             35$

Auraiel Ordinary soap:

Also handmade, cold processed olive oil based the price per unit is 3$

In addition to any custom made order of 1000 soap bar minimum order. All Auraiel soaps are organic, handmade cold process to preserve its herbal healing characteristics.

Auraiel Gel types
1-    Xwrinkle Gel classic    35$
2-    Xfat and Cellulite       35$

Auraiel Oils types
1-    Xwrinkle Oil                           69$
2-    Xfat and Cellulite Oil               69$
3-    Hair care Auraiel Hair Tonic      35$

Distributors are welcome

Contact us

Or our Liaison:  The Wellness Center, Le Solarium Building, Silicon Oasis, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. tel. +97143886836


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The New Auraiel Beauty Bar

Auraiel Herbal Magic sensual Jasmine has its own detoxifying magic helping you stay young.

Auraiel Herbal Fusion with beautiful aromatic anti-depressant Lavender fusion to help remove what worry and exhaustion leave on your skin.

Auraiel Special with a special blend of mild rose to keep you fresh while helping you remove aging signs from your beautiful face.

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Ascent Self-Improvement – Crash Course



Ascent crash course is resuming for 2018 at the Wellness Center Dubai. Many people of all creeds of life have taken the Ascent crash course

with a consensus that the course did change their lives to the better.

Ascent course is like no other around the world it emphasis on developing your senses while providing  you with a difference perspective of life, it teaches you to solve problems and use your positive energy wisely and appropriately to keep your balance and stay on the course of success.

For more details and booking your place for the course: The Wellness Center, Miss. Samia Mousa at Le Solarium Building, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Telephone: 04 388 6836 – 0506288301

Good luck

The Para Team


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Online Paradetect Self-Improvement Seminar

It is a privilege to share our thoughts and methodology of self-improvement with you for the purpose of improving working place environment,

home and community development to become a better achiever and servant for humanity and its cause.

By achieving these goals we believe we can attain our inner peace, an attainment we all crave for.

Continue reading Online Paradetect Self-Improvement Seminar

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Stifle me Not



At paradetect we have some of the finest genuine content articles found on the web.

Our four years long journey has just begun, our emphasis on spirituality and cultural science concept is ever increasing in demand as people increase their awareness of the rising need to return to the basics of what humanity stood for, if we do not learn how to preserve the wellbeing of our planet there will be no planet for us to dwell on.

Our concept of science and spirituality is based upon our recognition that science alone can become a fatal weapon of destruction, a destruction of our environment and humanity.

There are many ways to destroy our habitat, weapons of mass destruction is but one of such means, pollution and deforestation in addition to our over consumption is killing our humanity and stifling our global economy but above all it is over burdening our planet and the natural wealth that we inherited from previous generations.

Our concept is no longer a privilege; it has become a must and a necessity we must foster if we are to sustain life on this planet.

Unless we plan to live on Mars in the near future we need to take this call more seriously and consider doing something towards achieving this divine call.

Join paradetect now and indulge in our relentless endeavor in pursuit of cutting edge knowledge and enlightening wisdom.

Share with us your opinion, send us your thoughts and let us join hands in building the foundation stone of this perpetual dream, a dream promoted by all of our humane forefathers of countless prophets, scholars and ancient philosophers…

To know more about paradetect, what we do and what we stand for you may browse our website or r simply forward your questions to us and our Para team will attend to your need swiftly and efficiently.

If you cannot find what you are looking for you may use our search to access any article you are searching for.

Remember; Paradetect is more than a way of life, Paradetect is an attitude…

Join us now

The Para Team


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Our Projects in Indonesia



Wood Logging, Coal, Oil, Forestry, university, clinics etc.. Our company “Paradetect” is currently embarking on two huge projects related to wood logging and manufacturing in Indonesia.

This is our preliminary details related to the nature of our two projects which are currently available for investment.

Our first project:

Ref: Pap/1/17.5qbc.m

We are mandated with our local partner to log over one and a half million cubic meters of all sorts of wood, and we have facilities to log and manufacture the obtained wood.

We have a room to expand our operation and we are looking for investors who would be willing to join our venture in providing more equipments to enable us to speed up the process of logging and manufacturing our wood.

Our investor may inspect our forest sites and facilities and propose to us the equipments needed to speed up our capacity and expand it. An MOU will need to be signed prior to inspection. After the inspection, an agreement of business venture will be drafted and signed, followed by schedule to deliver the needed equipment.

Duration of forest exploitation is ten years extendable.

Based upon value of equipment and investment, a percentage of shares will be calculated as of value per capita.

Note: After the logging, there is also natural gas and coal that can be mined and extracted.

Our second project:

Ref: SU.1.LUM.

This is a unique and very rare opportunity ready for grabbing by the right investor.

The forest is thirty thousand hectares of forest land available to exploit for the right investor.

Condition of land owners is developing their area, by building Islamic university, hospital, and agricultural business projects.

Extension of lease for exploitation is 10 years renewable automatically with consent of both parties involved. This renewal is applicable for three times.

The landscape is rich with several types of forest wood, natural coal and gas underneath.

Investor will be expected to bear the cost of obtaining the logging and exploitation permit from the central government and ministry of forestry.

Estimated time to obtain such permit may reach 4 months in normal process.

Cost of obtaining related permits prior to resumption of logging may vary depending on speed of process, however we can give rough evaluation of initial cost of minimum of 000,000 hundred thousand US. DOLLARS  depending on methods and persons approached.

Interested investors will be expected to sign an MOU followed by an agreement which would secure their investment and the fulfillment of their part of the bargain which is the establishing of an international standard Islamic university, a similar in standard hospital and several agricultural projects will be pinpointed prior to final phase of negotiation.

Below is more detailed explanation of the above mentioned project:
The project with the Islamic university and hospital requirements is as follows:

The Land belongs to local tribes; it was given to a local foundation with rights to exploit it for a long period of time.

The foundation have proposed to appoint our CEO with full mandate to exploit the above mentioned 30 000 hectare of forest land with rich coal and natural gas reserves. The type of wood varies, there are minimum of 10 000 hectare of red meranti, over 10 000 of rattan and several other types are available.

We, by saying we, I am referring to the investor and our company, are expected to commit to cover the cost of setting up the logging project, and the obtaining of the licenses to log, to build Islamic university, hospital and other projects needed, within the figure of their share.

Duration of exploitation starts from ten years renewable up to twenty additional years.

The administration, construction and development of any of the required projects on the land will be our Paradetect company rights, anything related to logging and other exploitation maybe the investor reserved right to appoint whoever he trusts or see fit for the role.

The investor will be expected to make up to half a million US Dollars available for the period of up to 4 months needed to obtain the permits and establish initial phase.

This land is located in Sumatra.
Note: After the logging, there is also natural gas and coal that can be mined and extracted.

Summary about our CEO “A. El Masri” who is the founder of “Paradetect”:
Previous consultant for the Indonesian government in Business and Trade with Ministry of Cooperatives, negotiator for establishing bilateral trade relationship between Indonesia and the Arab speaking countries, yielded two MOU signed between Jordan and Indonesia, Lebanon and Indonesia, in mid 1990’s.
In Education: Ministry of Religion, importer of books mainly to universities, colleges and schools throughout Indonesia.

For Further Information, please do not hesitate to contact us

Our website:

Best Regards,

Paradetect Team

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Paradetect Business Proposal



Intro – Paradetect is a shrewd attempt to establish a new concept merging spirituality with modern living habits.

Our motto is: Paradetect is an attitude and a way of life.

Our goal is to establish a new community more self aware of spirituality and its importance for the sake of reaching and enjoying the inner peace needed to promote cohesive  living and global  harmonious interacting, bridging between races and crossing ethnical and cultural boundaries.

Our company profile details paradetect performance and projects feasibility (money generating tools) to those interested in investing in any of our listed projects within.  Such projects are designed to accommodate our activities, services and products…

Paradetect main vehicle in spreading our word is website where one will find an ample information related to our activities, services and products while we focus on the word of mouth promotion the traditional way building up our reputation based upon our accomplishments…

Business proposal:

Paradetect proposes a unique business opportunity by investing in even more unique projects befitting the future needs for humanity.

Investing in self improvement on the health and spiritual level, and researching in the supernatural and the paranormal on the education level without neglecting the business oriented profitable means applied to secure our sustainability.

Our money generating tools and future projects presents a great opportunity for investors to participate in a risk free investment with very little international competition.

The nature of our investment opportunity with its risk free potentials is tapping into an unexplored treasure field with none withering resources. Our educational courses and energy healing service is on ever greater demand. There simply is a great hunger for more of such service from an increasingly starved international community recognizing the importance and need for such treat…

We are unique in the methods we practice, there is simply no second to where we have reached in our current achievements and it is only the beginning…

Interested investors in any of our advertised projects may contact us for further feedback.


The Para Team